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Why do we have map, fmap and liftM?

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

Why do we have three different functions that do essentially the same thing?

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fredoverflow Avatar asked Sep 18 '11 18:09


People also ask

What is Liftm Haskell?

From HaskellWiki. Lifting is a concept which allows you to transform a function into a corresponding function within another (usually more general) setting.

What is Fmap in Haskell?

You can think of fmap as either a function that takes a function and a functor and then maps that function over the functor, or you can think of it as a function that takes a function and lifts that function so that it operates on functors. Both views are correct and in Haskell, equivalent.

What does <$> mean in Haskell?

It's merely an infix synonym for fmap , so you can write e.g. Prelude> (*2) <$> [1.. 3] [2,4,6] Prelude> show <$> Just 11 Just "11" Like most infix functions, it is not built-in syntax, just a function definition. But functors are such a fundamental tool that <$> is found pretty much everywhere.

What is flatMap in Haskell?

It should be clear that flatMap is map first and then flat, you flatten the output of the map, as opposed to flattening the input list you are about to process (this isn't flatMap , this has no name, it is just a flat and then map).

1 Answers

map exists to simplify operations on lists and for historical reasons (see What's the point of map in Haskell, when there is fmap?).

You might ask why we need a separate map function. Why not just do away with the current list-only map function, and rename fmap to map instead? Well, that’s a good question. The usual argument is that someone just learning Haskell, when using map incorrectly, would much rather see an error about lists than about Functors.

-- Typeclassopedia, page 20

fmap and liftM exist because monads were not automatically functors in Haskell:

The fact that we have both fmap and liftM is an unfortunate consequence of the fact that the Monad type class does not require a Functor instance, even though mathematically speaking, every monad is a functor. However, fmap and liftM are essentially interchangeable, since it is a bug (in a social rather than technical sense) for any type to be an instance of Monad without also being an instance of Functor.

-- Typeclassopedia, page 33

Edit: agustuss's history of map and fmap:

That's not actually how it happens. What happened was that the type of map was generalized to cover Functor in Haskell 1.3. I.e., in Haskell 1.3 fmap was called map. This change was then reverted in Haskell 1.4 and fmap was introduced. The reason for this change was pedagogical; when teaching Haskell to beginners the very general type of map made error messages more difficult to understand. In my opinion this wasn't the right way to solve the problem.

-- What's the point of map in Haskell, when there is fmap?

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li.davidm Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
