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Why do Twitter Bootstrap tables always have 100% width?

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How do I set the width of a bootstrap table?

Add . w-auto class to the table element to set an auto width to the table column. The width of the columns will automatically adjust to the content of the column. That means it will always take a minimum width required to present its content.

How do I reduce the size of a bootstrap table?

HTML. Small table: To make the table smaller in size use the class table-sm along with the class table within the <table> tag. This reduces the cell padding to half. To make the dark table smaller in size use the combination of classes table, table-sm, and table-dark within the <table> tag.

Which of the class takes full width in bootstrap?

container-fluid class can be used to get full width container. container-fluid class provides a full-width container which spans the entire width of the viewport.

What makes bootstrap striped table?

Answer: The class <table class= "table table-stripped"> </table> is used to create a stripped table in Bootstrap.

All tables within the bootstrap stretch according to their container, which you can easily do by placing your table inside a .span* grid element of your choice. If you wish to remove this property you can create your own table class and simply add it to the table you want to expand with the content within:

.table-nonfluid {
   width: auto !important;

You can add this class inside your own stylesheet and simply add it to the container of your table like so:

<table class="table table-nonfluid"> ... </table>

This way your change won't affect the bootstrap stylesheet itself (you might want to have a fluid table somewhere else in your document).

<table style="width: auto;" ... works fine. Tested in Chrome 38 , IE 11 and Firefox 34.

jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/rpaul/taqodr8o/

If you're using Bootstrap 4, use .w-auto.

See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/utilities/sizing/

Bootstrap 3:

Why fight it? Why not simply control your table width using the bootstrap grid?

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-6">

This will create a table that is half (6 out of 12) of the width of the containing element.

I sometimes use inline styles as per the other answers, but it is discouraged.

Bootstrap 4:

Bootstrap 4 has some nice helper classes for width like w-25, w-50, w-75, w-100, and w-auto. This will make the table 50% width:

<table class="w-50"></table>

Here's the doc: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/utilities/sizing/

I was having the same issue, I made the table fixed and then specified my td width. If you have th you can do those as well.

table {
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;

<td width="10%" /td>

I didn't have any luck with .table-nonfluid.

I've tried to add style="width: auto !important" and works great for me!