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Why do some methods use dot notation and others don't?

So, I'm just beginning to learn Python (using Codecademy), and I'm a bit confused.

Why are there some methods that take an argument, and others use the dot notation?

len() takes an arugment, but won't work with the dot notation:

>>> len("Help")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'len'

And likewise:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'upper' is not defined
like image 998
Fishy Avatar asked Feb 24 '15 18:02


People also ask

When can you only use dot notation and not bracket?

Dot notation is faster to write and easier to read than bracket notation. However, you can use variables with bracket notation, but not with dot notation. This is especially useful for situations when you want to access a property but don't know the name of the property ahead of time.

What is the purpose of dot notation?

Dot notation is one way to access a property of an object. To use dot notation, write the name of the object, followed by a dot (.), followed by the name of the property. Example: var cat = { name: 'Moo', age: 5, }; console.

When should you use bracket notation instead of dot notation when accessing properties methods?

We must use bracket notation whenever we are accessing an object's property using a variable or when the property's key is a number or includes a symbol or is two words with a space.

Why dot is used in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, one can access properties using the dot notation ( foo. bar ) or square-bracket notation ( foo["bar"] ). However, the dot notation is often preferred because it is easier to read, less verbose, and works better with aggressive JavaScript minimizers.

3 Answers

The key word here is method. There is a slight difference between a function and a method.


Is a function that is defined in the class of the given object. For example:

class Dog:     def bark(self):         print 'Woof woof!'  rufus = Dog() rufus.bark() # called from the object 


A function is a globally defined procedure:

def bark():     print 'Woof woof!' 

As for your question regarding the len function, the globally defined function calls the object's __len__ special method. So in this scenario, it is an issue of readability.

Otherwise, methods are better when they apply only to certain objects. Functions are better when they apply to multiple objects. For example, how can you uppercase a number? You wouldn't define that as a function, you'd define it as only a method only in the string class.

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Malik Brahimi Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09

Malik Brahimi

What you call "dot notation" are class methods and they only work for classes that have the method defined by the class implementer. len is a builtin function that takes one argument and returns the size of that object. A class may implement a method called len if its wants to, but most don't. The builtin len function has a rule that says if a class has a method called __len__, it will use it, so this works:

>>> class C(object):
...     def __len__(self):
...             return 100
>>> len(C())

"help".upper is the opposite. The string class defines a method called upper, but that doesn't mean there has to be a function called upper also. It turns out that there is an upper function in the string module, but generally you don't have to implement an extra function just because you implemented a class method.

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tdelaney Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09


This is the difference between a function and a method. If you are only just learning the basics, maybe simply accept that this difference exists, and that you will eventually understand it.

Still here? It's not even hard, actually. In object-oriented programming, methods are preferred over functions for many things, because that means one type of object can override its version of the method without affecting the rest of the system.

For example, let's pretend you had a new kind of string where accented characters should lose their accent when you call .upper(). Instances of this type can subclass str and behave exactly the same in every other aspect, basically for free; all they need to redefine is the upper method (and even then, probably call the method of the base class and only change the logic when you handle an accented lowercase character). And software which expects to work on strings will just continue to work and not even know the difference if you pass in an object of this new type where a standard str is expected.

A design principle in Python is that everything is an object. This means you can create your own replacements even for basic fundamental objects like object, class, and type, i.e. extend or override the basic language for your application or platform.

In fact, this happened in Python 2 when unicode strings were introduced to the language. A lot of application software continued to work exactly as before, but now with unicode instances where previously the code had been written to handle str instances. (This difference no longer exists in Python 3; or rather, the type which was called str and was used almost everywhere is now called bytes and is only used when you specifically want to handle data which is not text.)

Going back to our new upper method, think about the opposite case; if upper was just a function in the standard library, how would you even think about modifying software which needs upper to behave differently? What if tomorrow your boss wants you to do the same for lower? It would be a huge undertaking, and the changes you would have to make all over the code base would easily tend towards a spaghetti structure, as well as probably introduce subtle new bugs.

This is one of the cornerstones of object-oriented programming, but it probably only really makes ense when you learn the other two or three principles in a more structured introduction. For now, perhaps the quick and dirty summary is "methods make the implementation modular and extensible."

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tripleee Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
