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Why do methods of different objects of same class have same id?

In the following code, I don't understand why useless_func has the same id when it belongs to two different objects?

class parent(object):
   def a_class_method(cls):
     print "in class method %s" % cls

   def a_static_method():
     print "static method"

   def useless_func(self):

 p1, p2 = parent(),parent()

 id(p1) == id(p2) // False

 id(p1.useless_func) == id(p2.useless_func) // True
like image 828
iamkhush Avatar asked May 24 '13 04:05


People also ask

Can two objects have same ID?

The identity of an object is an integer, which is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. Two objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value. In CPython implementation, this is the address of the object in memory.

Do objects of same type have same ID python?

Variables in Python In Python, every object that is created is given a number that uniquely identifies it. It is guaranteed that no two objects will have the same identifier during any period in which their lifetimes overlap.

Can objects of the same class have different methods?

A class holds the methods and properties that are shared by all of the objects that are created from it. Although the objects share the same code, they can behave differently because they can have different values assigned to them.

Can multiple objects be created from the same class in Python?

A single class definition can be used to create multiple objects. As mentioned before, objects are independent. Changes made to one object generally do not affect the other objects representing the same class. Each object has its own unique set of data attributes.

2 Answers

This is a very interesting question!

Under your conditions, they do appear the same:

Python 2.7.2 (default, Oct 11 2012, 20:14:37) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)] on darwin
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>>> class Foo(object):
...   def method(self): pass
>>> a, b = Foo(), Foo()
>>> a.method == b.method
>>> id(a.method), id(b.method)
(4547151904, 4547151904)

However, notice that once you do anything with them, they become different:

>>> a_m = a.method
>>> b_m = b.method
>>> id(a_m), id(b_m)
(4547151*9*04, 4547151*5*04)

And then, when tested again, they have changed again!

>>> id(b.method)
>>> id(a.method)

When a method on an instance is accessed, an instance of "bound method" is returned. A bound method stores a reference to both the instance and to the method's function object:

>>> a_m
<bound method Foo.method of <__main__.Foo object at 0x10f0e9a90>>
>>> a_m.im_func is Foo.__dict__['method']
>>> a_m.im_self is a

(note that I need to use Foo.__dict__['method'], not Foo.method, because Foo.method will yield an "unbound method"… the purpose of which is left as an exercise to the reader)

The purpose of this "bound method" object is to make methods "behave sensibly" when they are passed around like functions. For example, when I call function a_m(), that is identical to calling a.method(), even though we don't have an explicit reference to a any more. Contrast this behaviour with JavaScript (for example), where var method = foo.method; method() does not produce the same result as foo.method().

SO! This brings us back to the initial question: why does it seem that id(a.method) yields the same value as id(b.method)? I believe that Asad is correct: it has to do with Python's reference-counting garbage collector*: when the expression id(a.method) is evaluated, a bound method is allocated, the ID is computed, and the bound method is deallocated. When the next bound method — for b.method — is allocated, it is allocated to exactly the same location in memory, since there haven't been any (or have been a balanced number of) allocations since the bound method for a.method was allocated. This means that a.method appears to have the same memory location as b.method.

Finally, this explains why the memory locations appear to change the second time they are checked: the other allocations which have taken place between the first and the second check mean that, the second time, they are allocated at a different location (note: they are re-allocated because all references to them were lost; bound methods are cached†, so accessing the same method twice will return the same instance: a_m0 = a.method; a_m1 = a.method; a_m0 is a_m1 => True).

*: pedants note: actually, this has nothing to do with the actual garbage collector, which only exists to deal with circular references… but… that's a story for another day.
†: at least in CPython 2.7; CPython 2.6 doesn't seem to cache bound methods, which would lead me to expect that the behaviour isn't specified.

like image 57
David Wolever Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 09:11

David Wolever

Here is what I think is happening:

  1. When you dereference p1.useless_func, a copy of it is created in memory. This memory location is returned by id
  2. Since there are no references to the copy of the method just created, it gets reclaimed by the GC, and the memory address is available again
  3. When you dereference p2.useless_func, a copy of it is created in the same memory address (it was available), which you retrieve using id again.
  4. The second copy is GCd

If you were to run a bunch of other code and check the ids of the instance methods again, I'll bet the ids would be identical to each other, but different from the original run.

Additionally, you might notice that in David Wolver's example, as soon as a lasting reference to the method copy is obtained the ids become different.

To confirm this theory, here is a shell session using Jython (same result with PyPy), which does not utilize CPython's reference counting garbage collection:

Jython 2.5.2 (Debian:hg/91332231a448, Jun 3 2012, 09:02:34) 
[OpenJDK Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.7.0_21
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>>> class parent(object):
...     def m(self):
...             pass
>>> p1, p2 = parent(), parent()
>>> id(p1.m) == id(p2.m)
like image 39
Asad Saeeduddin Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11

Asad Saeeduddin