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Why do jQuery's position() and offset() methods return fractional number in Chrome?

I have simple div tag, absolutely positioned within an HTML doc. When in Chrome I set its "right" CSS rule to a fixed value in pixels, and its "left" rule to "auto", and then immediately afterwards determine its left position using jquery's position() method, the value returned is something of this kind: 122.6363525390625. The same goes for the offset() method.

Firefox on the other hand, does not have this issue.

Can you tell me why this happens and if there's a way to prevent it? Thanks in advance!

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Andrei Oniga Avatar asked Jun 22 '12 06:06

Andrei Oniga

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Difference between offset() and position() Method:The jQuery UI offset() is relative to the document. The jQuery UI position() is relative to the parent element. When you want to position a new element on top of another one which is already existing, its better to use the jQuery offset() method.

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1 Answers

Because when you use percentage widths that's what the math works out to. Imagine that you have this layout:

<div style="width: 111px">
    <div style="width: 50%"></div>

The inner element's width calculates to 55.5 pixels, not a natural number. Depending on the exact CSS attributes this could easily work out to quite a few more decimal places.

Chrome uses subpixel rendering, so that's why you see this behavior.

Finally: I 'm not sure why this would cause you a problem, but of course if you want to round to a natural number you can use Math.round(x).

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Jon Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09
