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Determine the Width of a dynamic CSS3 Multicolumn DIV width fixed column-width

I have a DIV container filled with a dynamic text. The length of the text can be different. The DIV container has a fixed height but no width.

The Text is formatted as CSS3 Multicolumn Text width a fixed columns-width.

The result is n columns with the width of column-width. Now i want to know either how many columns are there or how is the computed width of the DIV.


    float: left;
    position: relative;
    width: 840px;
    overflow: hidden;
.columnize div{
    -moz-column-width: 259px;
    -webkit-column-width: 259px;
    -moz-column-gap: 16px;
    -webkit-column-gap: 16px;
    height: 560px;


<div id="columnWrapper class="columnize">
    <div id="content">
    ... content goes here ...

I tried to get the width with JQuery like this:


both return the column-width, not the REAL width in all browsers except Firefox.

Any ideas how to get the width of the column layout?

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Wolfgang Becker Avatar asked Dec 02 '11 10:12

Wolfgang Becker

People also ask

How do you auto adjust column width in CSS?

You can set column-width to auto or a length. Use auto if you are also using column-count or if you need to turn off the property. Think of it as a way of telling the browser to let column-count take the lead. To specify the width of the columns, use a length greater than (or equal to) 0.

How do I fix the width of a column in HTML?

The width of the columns i.e. td in a table can be fixed very easily. This can be done by adding the width attribute in the <td> tag. If the width is not specified, the width of the column changes according to the change in the content. The specifications of width for the columns can be in pixels, or percentage.

1 Answers

I ran into the same problem trying to paginate an article horizontally using css3 columns as pages. Here's my solution as a jQuery plugin:


Here's the idea: you insert a blank <span> tag at the end of your column content and use .position() to grab its left position relative to the parent container, and add one -webkit-column-width (because .position() only tells you the distance to the left coordinate of the <span>).

Here's a little quirk that I don't understand. To get the correct width, you also have to subtract one -webkit-column-gap. In my mind, the distance between .position().left and the edge of the container should only be the width of the final column, -webkit-column-width. Can anyone explain this one? Am I just bad at math?

Sorry if the plugin code is sloppy; my experience with jQuery is limited :)

(Credit where it's due: idea adapted from How to Get CSS3 Multi-Column Count in Javascript.)

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moon prism power Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09

moon prism power