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Why did Python 3 changes to exec break this code?

I looked through the myriad 'Python exec' threads on SO, but couldn't find one that answered my issue. Terribly sorry if this has been asked before. Here's my problem:

# Python 2.6: prints 'it is working'
# Python 3.1.2: "NameError: global name 'a_func' is not defined"
class Testing(object):
  def __init__(self):
    exec("""def a_func():
      print('it is working')""")


# Python 2.6: prints 'it is working'
# Python 3.1.2: prints 'it is working'
class Testing(object):
  def __init__(self):
    def a_func():
      print('it is working')


As the standard function definition works in both Python versions, I'm assuming the problem must be a change to the way exec works. I read the API docs for 2.6 and 3 for exec and also read the "What's New In Python 3.0" page and couldn't see any reason why the code would break.

like image 519
Jedidiah Hurt Avatar asked Jul 03 '11 06:07

Jedidiah Hurt

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What's the difference between Python 2 and 3?

Python 3 is more in-demand and includes a typing system. Python 2 is outdated and uses an older syntax for the print function. While Python 2 is still in use for configuration management in DevOps, Python 3 is the current standard. Python (the code, not the snake) is a popular coding language to learn for beginners.

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If you want to determine whether Python2 or Python3 is running, you can check the major version with this sys. version_info. major . 2 means Python2, and 3 means Python3.

2 Answers

You can see the generated bytecode for each Python version with:

>>> from dis import dis

And, for each interpreter:

#Python 3.2
>>> dis(Testing.__init__)
  5          10 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (a_func)

#Python 2.7
>>> dis(Testing.__init__)
  5           8 LOAD_NAME                0 (a_func)

As you can see, Python 3.2 searches for a global value (LOAD_GLOBAL) named a_func and 2.7 first searches the local scope (LOAD_NAME) before searching the global one.

If you do print(locals()) after the exec, you'll see that a_func is created inside the __init__ function.

I don't really know why it's done that way, but seems to be a change on how symbol tables are processed.

BTW, if want to create a a_func = None on top of your __init__ method to make the interpreter know it's a local variable, it'll not work since the bytecode now will be LOAD_FAST and that don't make a search but directly gets the value from a list.

The only solution I see is to add globals() as second argument to exec, so that will create a_func as a global function an may be accessed by the LOAD_GLOBAL opcode.


If you remove the exec statement, Python2.7 change the bytecode from LOAD_NAME to LOAD_GLOBAL. So, using exec, your code will always be slower on Python2.x because it has to search the local scope for changes.

As Python3's exec is not a keyword, the interpreter can't be sure if it's really executing new code or doing something else... So the bytecode don't change.


>>> exec = len
>>> exec([1,2,3])


exec('...', globals()) may solve the problem if you don't care the result being added to global namespace

like image 197
JBernardo Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11


Completing the answer above, just in case. If the exec is in some function, I would recommend using the three-argument version as follows:

def f():
    d = {}
    exec("def myfunc(): ...", globals(), d)

This is the cleanest solution, as it doesn't modify any namespace under your feet. Instead, myfunc is stored in the explicit dictionary d.

like image 42
Armin Rigo Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Armin Rigo