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Checking folder/file ntfs permissions using python

As the question title might suggest, I would very much like to know of the way to check the ntfs permissions of the given file or folder (hint: those are the ones you see in the "security" tab). Basically, what I need is to take a path to a file or directory (on a local machine, or, preferrably, on a share on a remote machine) and get the list of users/groups and the corresponding permissions for this file/folder. Ultimately, the application is going to traverse a directory tree, reading permissions for each object and processing them accordingly.

Now, I can think of a number of ways to do that:

  • parse cacls.exe output -- easily done, BUT, unless im missing something, cacls.exe only gives the permissions in the form of R|W|C|F (read/write/change/full), which is insufficient (I need to get the permissions like "List folder contents", extended permissions too)
  • xcacls.exe or xcacls.vbs output -- yes, they give me all the permissions I need, but they work dreadfully slow, it takes xcacls.vbs about ONE SECOND to get permissions on a local system file. Such speed is unacceptable
  • win32security (it wraps around winapi, right?) -- I am sure it can be handled like this, but I'd rather not reinvent the wheel

Is there anything else I am missing here?

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shylent Avatar asked May 22 '09 06:05


People also ask

How do I check folder permissions in Python?

access function to check access: os. access('/path/to/folder', os. W_OK) # W_OK is for writing, R_OK for reading, etc.

How do I check permissions on a file in Python?

os. stat is the right way to get more general info about a file, including permissions per user, group, and others. The st_mode attribute of the object that os. stat returns has the permission bits for the file.

How do I give permission to a folder in Windows Python?

Unless you have a specific need to use python, you could just let windows create the folder and sort permissions out for you. If you wish to use python anyway, you could consider just using os. system() to call cacls or icacls with the correct arguments.

1 Answers

Unless you fancy rolling your own, win32security is the way to go. There's the beginnings of an example here:


If you want to live slightly dangerously (!) my in-progress winsys package is designed to do exactly what you're after. You can get an MSI of the dev version here:


or you can just checkout the svn trunk:

svn co http://winsys.googlecode.com/svn/trunk winsys

To do what you describe (guessing slightly at the exact requirements) you could do this:

import codecs
from winsys import fs

base = "c:/temp"
with codecs.open ("permissions.log", "wb", encoding="utf8") as log:
  for f in fs.flat (base):
  log.write ("\n" + f.filepath.relative_to (base) + "\n")
  for ace in f.security ().dacl:
    access_flags = fs.FILE_ACCESS.names_from_value (ace.access)
    log.write (u"  %s => %s\n" % (ace.trustee, ", ".join (access_flags)))


like image 146
TJG Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09