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Why can't Scala infer the type parameter in this example?

Suppose I have two classes, Input and Output, which are designed to be connected to each other. Output produces values of some type, and Input consumes them.

class Input[T] {
  var output: Option[Output[_ <: T]] = None
class Output[T] {
  var input: Option[Input[_ >: T]] = None

It's okay if an Input and Output pair don't operate on the same kind of value as long as the Input type parameter is a supertype of the Output type parameter. Note that the type parameter in both classes is invariant; in the real versions it is used in both co- and contravariant positions.

I have a connect method elsewhere which sets up a link between an Input/Output pair:

def connect[T](output: Output[T], input: Input[_ >: T]) = {
  output.input = Some(input)
  input.output = Some(output)

If I call this method as below, I get a type error:

val out = new Output[String]
val in = new Input[AnyRef]
connect(out, in)

The error is:

test.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Output[String]
 required: Output[AnyRef]
  connect(out, in)

I can resolve this by writing out the type parameter (in this case, I would write connect[String], but I think the compiler should be able to figure this out for me. How can I change the connect method so that the type parameter is inferred automatically?

Edit: For now, I've made connect a method of Output so it gets the type parameter automatically. This also has the added benefit that I can use the infix notation out connect in, but the design feels a little awkward.

I am still interested in why the compiler exhibits this behavior. I feel like it should be able to infer the type parameter. Is this actually working as specified?

like image 533
Jay Conrod Avatar asked Jul 26 '09 19:07

Jay Conrod

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1 Answers

You will sometimes get better results if you use multiple parameter lists:

def connect[T](output: Output[T])(input: Input[_ >: T]) = {
  output.input = Some(input)
  input.output = Some(output)


...and indeed in this case, it works.

like image 55
psp Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
