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TypeScript generic contraints with extending and default parameters

So I am trying to write a function which has a generic which extends a certain object thus constrains it. Next I would like to use this generic together with a definition of a parameter to generate a new "enhanced" parameter. This is all good but as soon as I want to introduce a default value to the parameter TypeScript complains with a message as follow (Some different variations of this in the playground):


const test1 = <T extends { foo?: string }>(options: T & { bar?: boolean } = {foo: 
''}) => {

The error:

Type '{ foo: string; }' is not assignable to type 'T & { bar?: boolean; }'. Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'foo' does not exist in type 'T & { bar?: boolean; }'. Did you mean to write 'foo'?

The compiler warns me that I probably wanted to use foo, which I actually did. Is it simply not possible to use a generic in this way or is this a bug in TypeScript?

like image 849
Dirk-Jan Avatar asked Mar 14 '18 20:03


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1 Answers

Type T at the definition time is unknown, so the compiler throws this error that you cannot initialize something you are unaware of. There are a couple of workarounds I can think of, but not sure how useful they are for your case.

You can leave type T as is, and use union types for the options parameter as follows:

const test1 = <T> (options: T | { bar?: boolean } | { foo?: string } = { foo: '' }) => {

Another workaround is to use a type assertion and manually tell the compiler that the initializer is of the type it needs to be:

const test2 = <T extends { foo?: string }>(options: T & { bar?: boolean } = { foo: '' } as T & { bar?: boolean }) => {

But keep in mind that these are just workarounds and whenever you have to use a workaround, it implies a flaw in the design. Maybe you can take a second look at your logic and improve it in order to remove the need for these workarounds. Or maybe, you can skip argument initialization and add options.foo = options.foo || ''; as the first line of code in your function. Just some ideas.

like image 188
Behrooz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
