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Why can't I use $nin, $exists, etc. inside a Mongo pipeline match?

I've looked high and low for this answer and nothing has worked. I have a pipeline query with a match term like this:

$match: {
  $expr: {
    $and: [

Inside the $and I have all sorts of conditions using $eq, $in, $ne, $gt, $lt, etc.

However try as I may I can't get it to recognize $nin or $exists. I'm trying to add a term where I search for a key not existing, eg:

{ $exists: [ '$key', 0 ] }

I keep getting

MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$exists'


MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$nin'

Can anyone help??

like image 681
TomBomb Avatar asked Nov 27 '18 16:11


1 Answers

You can only use aggregation operators inside the $expr and the $nin and $exists are query operators not aggregation ones. Use the above conditions outside the $expr expression.

Something like

{ "$match": {
  "key": { "$exists": true },
  "$expr": {
    "$and": [
      {...}, {...}
like image 192
Ashh Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 00:09
