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Why can't I use a param called "action"?

Is "action" as a input field name forbidden? Because everything works except the assignment of the "action" param.

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Mario Uher Avatar asked Jan 12 '11 17:01

Mario Uher

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2 Answers

because action, controller are prohibited words.

Look around debug params

--- !map:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess 
action: index
controller: main

so you can't use those params. Because they will be REWRITED AUTOMATICALLY

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fl00r Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10


I would suggest NOT using words like action, name, method as field names as they are all attributes of the form tag and are likely to get confused when the form is posted

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John Beynon Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 23:10

John Beynon