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Jbuilder Partial With Path

I am attempting to render a partial jbuilder file using the below

json.(@request, :id)

json.profile do
    json.partial! partial: 'users/user_reduced', user: @request.user

the partial is below (users/_user_reduced.json.jbuilder)

json.(user, :id, :name, :sex)

However, I get the error:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `user' for #<#<Class:0x007fe4ebc91878>:0x007fe4ebe599f8>):

It's as if the local user variable is not being set. What is the syntax for setting a local variable to a jbuilder partial path?

like image 225
steventnorris Avatar asked Apr 15 '15 21:04


1 Answers

I have tried to fix this for hours, and found, finally, that the syntax (thought listed on the jbuilder readme) above does not work. You must format your partials like the below:

json.partial! 'partials/partial_path', locals: {local_var: my_local_var}

So in my case, it would be:

json.(@request, :id)

json.profile do
    json.partial! partial: 'users/user_reduced', locals: {user: @request.user}
like image 149
steventnorris Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
