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Why can't I define inline functions inside Angular templates ? How else to do it?



I'm using Angular 2 and is new to it. I wanted to invoke a small function for a button click. So I tried doing this (maybe bcos I come from a React background):

<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="(() => { console.log('hi') })()">
  Click Me

I used an IIFE for the (click) attribute. But it didn't work. Why does it not work, and is there any other way to declare an anonymous function and invoke it upon button click ?
What I actually want to do is assign a value like so: (val) => { value = val }

like image 947
Dane Avatar asked Nov 23 '17 08:11


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2 Answers

This works fine if you just provide the expression you want Angular to evaluate. If you have a property on your component e.g. value, you can just use the following:

<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="value = 'hi'">
    Click Me

Angular essentially just calls the code that you provide as if it were inside a function (that's a big simplification, but works for your purposes).

like image 50
Kirk Larkin Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 01:01

Kirk Larkin

Just leaving this for future viewers:

I found this documentation which states that the supported syntax is limited (not every valid Javascript statement will be valid)

Like template expressions, template statements use a language that looks like JavaScript. However, the parser for template statements differs from the parser for template expressions. In addition, the template statements parser specifically supports both basic assignment, =, and chaining expressions with semicolons, ;. The following JavaScript and template expression syntax is not allowed: new, increment and decrement operators, ++ and -- operator assignment, such as += and -= the bitwise operators, such as | and & the pipe operator

like image 41
jonahe Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 01:01
