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Why can't I deauthorize Rack-mini-profiler for non admin users

I am trying to install Rack-mini-profiler on my ROR application. I installed the gem and the profiler works great in development but I can't deauthorize specific requests for non admin users. I placed the following code in my ApplicationController before_filter

def authorize_mini_profiler
    if current_user.nil?
    elsif is_admin_user

In debug I saw that the deauthorize method is called but the profiler is still displayed.

I even tried using this code

def authorize_mini_profiler

but still, every request by any user displays the profiler.

Does anyone knows what might be the problem?

like image 272
Guy Sopher Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 07:04

Guy Sopher

1 Answers

Well, for those who run into the same problem...

Deeper debugging found that the gem is configured for ignoring the authorization mechanism on init. In order to enable profiling only on some cases (e.g. non production or only for admin users) you need to override the default configuration in application.rb (or preferably some specific config file):

Rack::MiniProfiler.config.authorization_mode = :whitelist if Rails.env.production?

otherwise the configuration is set to :allowall

like image 52
Guy Sopher Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Guy Sopher