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Why can I operate with int > +32767?

I can read that int range (signed) is from [−32767, +32767] but I can say, for example

int a=70000;
int b=71000;
int c=a+b;

printf("%i", c);
return 0;

And the output is 141000 (correct). Should not the debugger tell me "this operation is out of range" or something similar?

I suppose that this has to be with me ignoring the basics of C programming, but none of the books that I'm currently reading tell nothing about this "issue".

EDIT: 2147483647 seems to be the upper limit, thank you. If a sum exceeds that number, the result is negative, wich is expected, BUT if it is a subtraction, for example: 2147483649-2147483647=2 the result is still good. I mean, why the value 2147483649 is correctly hold for that substraction purpose (or at least it seems to me)?

like image 813
ikeeki Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 13:01


2 Answers

The range [−32767, +32767] is the required minimum range. An implementation is allowed to provide a larger range.

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Bo Persson Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

Bo Persson

All types are compiler-dependent. int used to be the "native word" of the underlying hardware, which on 16-bit systems meant that int was 16 bits (which leads to the -32k to +32k range). When 32-bit systems started coming then int naturally followed along and became 32 bits, which can store values around -2 billion to +2 billion.

However this "native word" use for int didn't follow along when 64-bit systems came around, I know of no 64-bit system or compiler that have int being 64 bits.

See e.g. this reference of integer types for more information.

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Some programmer dude Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Some programmer dude