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Why are my related products not displaying on my product page?



I have gone to admin -> manage product -> product information page -> related products

Then I added a product that is related, and saved.

I went to that product and refreshed the page, but nothing changed. Why not?

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Linux Packet Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 23:03

Linux Packet

People also ask

Why are my products not showing up on WooCommerce?

If it's “Hidden” or “Search results only,” your WooCommerce page will be empty. To fix this issue, go to the Products section and then to Catalog Visibility. Change the setting to “Shop and search results.” When you do that, your products will show up on your WooCommerce page and search page results.

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In the admin area of your store, click on WooCommerce and then Settings. Next, go to settings for products by clicking on Products tab and then choosing General tab. Scroll down to Reviews area where you will see settings for showing product reviews. Make sure that reviews are enabled.

2 Answers

Also, be sure to check that the product you're trying to see in 'Related Products' is not already in your cart. Magento has a default filter applied that removes items in the cart from the related products collection.

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pspahn Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10



  • Login to Admin
  • Go to System -> Index Management
  • Select All checkboxes
  • Select 'Reindex Data' from Actions selection list
  • Click Submit button

Reference: Magento Up-sells Cross-sells and Related products are not showing up

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Mukesh Chapagain Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10

Mukesh Chapagain