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Get Child categories magento




Trying to get child of a specific category which is active. Please help. I am having trouble doing it. I'm currently able to show them all but not specifically. Would appreciate any help.

$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(2);
$tree = $category->getTreeModel();
$ids = $tree->getCollection()->getAllIds();
like image 645
Tonzkie Avatar asked Aug 30 '13 05:08


People also ask

How do I get child categories in Magento 2?

Just call addIsActiveFilter() on the collection. // 1. Load collection $categoryCollection= $category->getChildrenCategories(); // 2. Add filter to collection to get active categories only $categoryCollection->addIsActiveFilter();

How do I display Magento two subcategories with an image on a category page?

Find the parent category that you want to show subcategories on, then go to the 'Display Settings' tab. Switch 'Display Mode' to either 'Static block only' or 'Static block and products', then choose your newly create 'Subcategories' block from the 'CMS Block' menu. Then save.

2 Answers

If you want any number of subcategories of parent category than Click here http://magentoo.blogspot.com/2014/01/get-all-subcategories-of-parent-category-magento.html

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user3146094 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10


here is code to load active category

/* Load category by id*/
$cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($id);

/*Returns comma separated ids*/
$subcats = $cat->getChildren();

//Print out categories string

foreach(explode(',',$subcats) as $subCatid)
  $_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($subCatid);
    $caturl     = $_category->getURL();
    $catname     = $_category->getName();
      $catimg     = $_category->getImageUrl();
    echo '<h2><a href="'.$caturl.'" title="View the products for this category"><img src="'.$catimg.'" alt="" />'.$catname.'</a></h2>';

hope this is sure help you.

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liyakat Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10
