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Confusion between bindValue() and bindParam()?

I am confuse between these two functions Bindvalue() and BindParam()

  1. I read on php.net it does not escape % and _, so be careful when using LIKE. So i think BindValue() is not used when we are using LIKE query.
  2. when we using LIKE query BindParam() is used. Because as i know BindParam can escape these % and _.
  3. BindValue() doesn't gives protection against sql injection. I am not sure about this, is it true?

friends tell what i mention in these 3 points is right or wrong. i am beginner in PDO so please explain it clearly ..

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Arun Pratap Singh Avatar asked Jan 19 '13 10:01

Arun Pratap Singh

People also ask

What is the difference between bindValue and bindParam?

bindParam is a PHP inbuilt function used to bind a parameter to the specified variable name in a sql statement for access the database record. bindValue, on the other hand, is again a PHP inbuilt function used to bind the value of parameter to the specified variable name in sql statement.

What is bindParam used for?

The PDOStatement::bindParam() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to bind a parameter to the specified variable name. This function bound the variables, pass their value as input, and receives the output value, if any, of their associated parameter marker.

What is PDO :: Param_str?

PDO::PARAM_STR. Represents SQL character data types. For an INOUT parameter, use the bitwise OR operator to append PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT to the type of data being bound. Set the fourth parameter, length , to the maximum expected length of the output value.

2 Answers

There should be no difference in how values are escaped or not escaped. bindParam differs from bindValue in that it references the variable, binding the value only when you execute the statement. bindValue takes the value immediately. To illustrate:

$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE foo = :foo');

$foo = 'foo';
$stmt->bindValue(':foo', $foo);
$foo = 'bar';


The above executes like SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = 'foo';

$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE foo = :foo');

$foo = 'foo';
$stmt->bindParam(':foo', $foo);
$foo = 'bar';


The above executes like SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = 'bar'.

It's true that neither cares about _ or % as special characters, because generally speaking they aren't special characters as far as the syntax is concerned, and the database driver is not able to analyze the context to figure out whether you mean % to be a wildcard or the actual character "%" in the context of a LIKE query.

Both protect against SQL injection.

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deceze Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10


Well, you took it all wrong.

Bindvalue() and BindParam() are equal in either way except for the argument type.

  • Bindvalue() binds just a value, it's like a a hard copy.
  • BindParam() binds a variable, and when a variable got changed, the binded value will be changed as well.

Both of them do not escape % and _, which doesn't matter too much. Such escaping affects only reliability of the returned results, not whatever "injections".

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Your Common Sense Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 13:10

Your Common Sense