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Why are Log.d() and Log.v() not printing

I have the following test code in my Activity:

@Override public void onStart() {     super.onStart();     Log.e(CLASS_NAME, "ERROR onStart()");     Log.w(CLASS_NAME, "WARN onStart()");     Log.i(CLASS_NAME, "INFO onStart()");     Log.d(CLASS_NAME, "DEBUG onStart()");     Log.v(CLASS_NAME, "VERBOSE onStart()"); 

On the logcat view in Android Studio, it only prints:

02-10 15:56:10.190    6194-6194/org.example.my_app E/MyActivity﹕ ERROR onStart() 02-10 15:56:10.190    6194-6194/org.example.my_app W/MyActivity﹕ WARN onStart() 02-10 15:56:10.190    6194-6194/org.example.my_app I/MyActivity﹕ INFO onStart() 

On top of the box, the menu is set to Log level: “Verbose”, and if I go into the menu next to it, choose “Edit filter configuration”, “by Log Level” is also set to “Verbose”. Why are the Log.d() and Log.v() not printing anything? What might I am missing? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

like image 748
Matthias Ronge Avatar asked Feb 10 '15 15:02

Matthias Ronge

1 Answers

Accepted answer not working

My solution:

when your Log.d is not working then Log.wtf is work

It's working for me, may be this is helpful to other, who find solution

like image 186
Yogesh Rathi Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Yogesh Rathi