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Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio

People also ask

Why does gradle Project Sync Fail?

In some cases when your Gradle files are deleted or corrupted you will not be able to download new Gradle files in android studio. In this case, we have to delete the Gradle files which are present already and then again sync your project to download our Gradle files again. For finding your .

Why is my gradle build failing?

If gradle --version works, but all of your builds fail with the same error, it is possible there is a problem with one of your Gradle build configuration scripts. You can verify the problem is with Gradle scripts by running gradle help which executes configuration scripts, but no Gradle tasks.

I also had an issue downloading gradle through AndroidStudio. I tried the following.

  1. Go to your AndroidStudio directory where you installed your studio Like D:\User\AndroidStudio
  2. In AndroidStudio go to \AndroidStudio\plugins\gradle\lib and copy gradle.jar
  3. Paste gradle.jar file in \AndroidStudio\lib directory.
  4. Download gradle directly from Gradle
  5. Copy the contents of gradle-1.6-bin.zip - After extracting zip file - (bin, media, init.d, lib folders) to \AndroidStudio\plugins\gradle
  6. Restart AndroidStudio

* Updated Answer *

And after following all the steps listed above, if it is not working, Kindly check below things.

1) Please delete .gradle folder from your user like C:\Document and Settings\AndroidUser\***\.gradle

2) You can check your HTTP Proxy in Settings.

Hope this helps!

In my case, it was sufficient to specify the location of the Gradle distribution included with Android Studio when requested.

On a mac, it was: /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/gradle/gradle-2.2.1
On Linux, it can be generalized to {android-studio-root}/grade/gradle-{version}

  1. First Create a New Project "your_project"
  2. When the above stated error appears click ok
  3. Now go to IMPORT-> "your_project " and follow the instruction
  4. Your Project Is Created

Download gradle, and replace it with the file gradle-1.6-bin.zip located at: C:\Users\<username>\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.6-bin\<some_hash_key>\