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Why are files opening in a second pane from 'find results 1'?

I'm using vs.net 2012, and when I search for a string in the entire solution, in my find results pane, when I click on a file, it opens the file in the bottom pane. It used to open 'normally' in the top pane where all my other source files are.

What did I do to get vs.net to mess with my mind? :)

like image 392
loyalflow Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 15:12


1 Answers

You probably docked the Find Results as a content window instead of a tool pane.
So now actually have two document panes, one of which contains the Find Results.

When you open a new document (In your example - double-clicking it from the Find Results), it automatically opens in the last focused document pane, which in your case is the one containing the Find Results.

To fix this, re-dock the Find Results in Far-Bottom (or, in the image below the far-right for instance)

enter image description here

like image 162
Blachshma Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
