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Why and when to use default export over named exports in es6 Modules?

I have referred all the questions in stackoverflow. But none of the suggested why and when to use default export.

I just saw that default can be metioned "When there is only one export in a file"

Any other reason for using default export in es6 modules?

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bvakiti Avatar asked Oct 24 '17 14:10


People also ask

Should I use default or named exports?

Usage. I prefer to use default exports when the exported component is only going to be imported once, or if a file exports one thing. A good example would be a Router component.

Why do we use export default in React?

Export default means you want to export only one value the is present by default in your script so that others script can import that for use. This is very much necessary for code Reusability.

Why you should not use export default?

Refactoring. Default exports make large-scale refactoring impossible since each importing site can name default import differently (including typos). On the contrary, named exports make such refactoring trivial.

3 Answers

Some differences that might make you choose one over the other:

Named Exports

  • Can export multiple values
  • MUST use the exported name when importing

Default Exports

  • Export a single value
  • Can use any name when importing

This article does a nice job of explaining when it would be a good idea to use one over the other.

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Ben Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10


It's somewhat a matter of opinion, but there are some objective aspects to it:

  • You can have only one default export in a module, whereas you can have as many named exports as you like.

  • If you provide a default export, the programmer using it has to come up with a name for it. This can lead to inconsistency in a codebase, where Mary does

    import example from "./example";

    ...but Joe does

    import ex from "./example";

    In contrast, with a named export, the programmer doesn't have to think about what to call it unless there's a conflict with another identifier in their module. It's just

    import { example } from "./example";

    If there's a conflict where you want the example export from two different modules, you can use as to rename:

    import { example as widgetExample } from "./widget/example";
    import { example as gadgetExample } from "./gadget/example";
  • With a named export, the person importing it has to specify the name of what they're importing, which means they get a nice early error if they try to import something that doesn't exist.

  • If you consistently only use named exports, programmers importing from modules in the project don't have to think about whether what they want is the default or a named export.

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

T.J. Crowder

You should almost always favour named exports, default exports have many downsides

Problems with default exports:

  1. Difficult to refactor or ensure consistency since they can be named anything in the codebase other than what its actually called
  2. Difficult to analyze by automated tools or provide code intellisense and autocompletion
  3. They break tree shaking as instead of importing the single function you want to use you're forcing webpack to import the entire file with whatever other dead code it has leading to bigger bundle sizes
  4. You can't export more than a single export per file
  5. You lose faster/direct access to imports

checkout these articles for a more detailed explanation:




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Khaled Osman Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 07:10

Khaled Osman