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Why an unnamed namespace is a "superior" alternative to static? [duplicate]

The section $ from the C++ Standard reads:

The use of the static keyword is deprecated when declaring objects in a namespace scope; the unnamed-namespace provides a superior alternative.

I don't understand why an unnamed namespace is considered a superior alternative? What is the rationale? I've known for a long time as to what the standard says, but I've never seriously thought about it, even when I was replying to this question: Superiority of unnamed namespace over static?

Is it considered superior because it can be applied to user-defined types as well, as I described in my answer? Or is there some other reason as well, that I'm unaware of? I'm asking this, particularly because that is my reasoning in my answer, while the standard might have something else in mind.

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Nawaz Avatar asked Feb 12 '11 09:02


People also ask

Why is an unnamed namespace used instead of static?

1.1 Unnamed namespaces, paragraph 2: The use of the static keyword is deprecated when declaring objects in a namespace scope, the unnamed-namespace provides a superior alternative. Static only applies to names of objects, functions, and anonymous unions, not to type declarations.

Why do we use unnamed namespace?

Unnamed Namespaces They are directly usable in the same program and are used for declaring unique identifiers.

1 Answers

  • As you've mentioned, namespace works for anything, not just for functions and objects.
  • As Greg has pointed out, static means too many things already.
  • Namespaces provide a uniform and consistent way of controlling visibility at the global scope. You don't have to use different tools for the same thing.
  • When using an anonymous namespace, the function/object name will get mangled properly, which allows you to see something like "(anonymous namespace)::xyz" in the symbol table after de-mangling, and not just "xyz" with static linkage.
  • As pointed out in the comments below, it isn't allowed to use static things as template arguments, while with anonymous namespaces it's fine.
  • More? Probably, but I can't think of anything else right now.
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Sergei Tachenov Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10

Sergei Tachenov