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Why aliased function makes performance down in the case in Haskell

[For Clarify my question]: I want to know why shorthanded code let performance down when I using the State Monad. This question is not for optimizing my code. This code is for benchmarking of the stateful monads. You can see the State-free pure version and ST monad version code and benchmark result from the master branch of my repo.

When I try to shorthand in my code, I've got an unexpected result by the shorthanded function. (Please refer focused benchmark and overall benchmark

In LazinessTest branch of this repository,

I tried to shorthand this code,

runTimeSlot' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    -- this code ↓↓↓↓
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)

as like as following

runTimeSlot'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    -- as like as ↓↓↓↓
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

And it shows that drastically performance down from 622 μs to 1.767 ms.

Even the value targetInData would be evaluated in just next step case, I thought that I may figure it by making the targetInData strictly like

runTimeSlot''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  -- evaluate it ↓↓ here before it used
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

But this also does not work. (Takes 1.758 ms)

Based on @AndrásKovács 's comment (Thanks, @AndrásKovács) I've added BangPatterns to targetInData as like as

runTimeSlot''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runTimeSlot'''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  -- evaluate it ↓↓ here before it used
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

And it helps a little, but it does not solves the unexpected situation completely.

  • 1.767 ms @ runTimeSlot'' -> 1.527 ms @ runTimeSlot''b
  • 1.758 ms @ runTimeSlot''' -> 1.503 ms @ runTimeSlot'''b

Why not as like as 622 μs @ runTimeSlot???

I couldn't explain this situation with laziness by myself.

Could you explain why just replacing (rem target sizeOfTaregt) as shorthand code makes the performance worse?

Here is single compilable example code and benchmark result: (I'm sorry that I couldn't reduce unnecessary codes enough)

-- dependencies: base, containers, criterion, deepseq, mtl, splitmix
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where

import           Criterion.Main
import           Criterion.Types

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict

import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap                   as IM
import           Data.List

import           System.Random.SplitMix

myConfig60s =
  defaultConfig { timeLimit = 60.0, resamples = 10000, verbosity = Verbose }

randomInts :: SMGen -> [Int]
randomInts = unfoldr (Just . (first fromIntegral . bitmaskWithRejection64 64))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Initialize"
  let size                             = 10000
  let instSize                         = 2
  let targetSize                       = 16
  let operandSize                      = 256
  let i0Gen                            = (mkSMGen . fromIntegral) 0
  let (targetGen, i1Gen)               = splitSMGen i0Gen
  let (instGen, i2Gen)                 = splitSMGen i1Gen
  let (operGen, iGen)                  = splitSMGen i2Gen
  let infTargetList = map (\x -> rem x targetSize) $ randomInts targetGen
  let infInstList = map (\x -> rem x instSize) $ randomInts instGen
  let infOperandList = map (\x -> rem x operandSize + 1) $ randomInts operGen
  let (iTime : iBalance : iStatus : _) = randomInts iGen
  let targetList                       = take (size * 2) infTargetList
  let instList                         = take size infInstList
  let operandList                      = take size infOperandList

  targetList `deepseq` instList `deepseq` operandList `deepseq` putStrLn

  let iData = Data iTime iBalance iStatus IM.empty

    ssBench =
      bgroup "SingleState Simulation"
        $ [ bench "SingleState.StrictPure'" $ nf
            ( runSimulatorPure' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictPure''" $ nf
            ( runSimulatorPure'' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''b" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''b size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''b" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'''b size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState''''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator'''' size targetList instList operandList
          , bench "SingleState.StrictState'''''" $ nf
            ( runState
            $ runSimulator''''' size targetList instList operandList
  putStrLn "Do bench"
  defaultMainWith myConfig60s [ssBench]

-- from SingleState.StrictPure of the repo
runSimulatorPure' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulatorPure' 0 _ _ _ d = d
runSimulatorPure' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    `seq` newData
    `seq` runSimulatorPure' (size - 1) restTList iList oList newData
  where (restTList, newData) = runTimeSlotPure' tList i o d

runTimeSlotPure' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Data -> ([Int], Data)
runTimeSlotPure' (target : idx : rest) inst operand d = case inst of
  0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
    0 -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
    3 -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
  1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
    0 -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    3 -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)

runSimulatorPure'' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulatorPure'' 0 _ _ _ d = d
runSimulatorPure'' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    `seq` newData
    `seq` runSimulatorPure'' (size - 1) restTList iList oList newData
  where (restTList, newData) = runTimeSlotPure'' tList i o d

runTimeSlotPure'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Data -> ([Int], Data)
runTimeSlotPure'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand d = case inst of
  0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
    0 -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
    3 -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
  1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
    0 -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    1 -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    2 -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
    3 -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

-- from SingleState.StrictState of the repo
runSimulator :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot tList i o
  runSimulator (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where rF x = rem x operand

runSimulator' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot' tList i o
  runSimulator' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case (rem target sizeOfTarget) of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div

runSimulator'' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'' tList i o
  runSimulator'' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator''b :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''b 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''b size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''b tList i o
  runSimulator''b (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''' tList i o
  runSimulator''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator'''b :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'''b 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'''b size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'''b tList i o
  runSimulator'''b (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'''b :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''b (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus (\x -> rem x operand) d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry (\x -> rem x operand) idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
  where !targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

runSimulator'''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator'''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator'''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot'''' tList i o
  runSimulator'''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot'''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot'''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
    targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget
    rF x = rem x operand

runSimulator''''' :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> State Data Data
runSimulator''''' 0    _     _           _           = get
runSimulator''''' size tList (i : iList) (o : oList) = do
  restTList <- runTimeSlot''''' tList i o
  runSimulator''''' (size - 1) restTList iList oList

runTimeSlot''''' :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot''''' (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  targetInData `seq` case inst of
    0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)
    1 -> case targetInData of -- Mod
      0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyTime rF d)
      1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyBalance rF d)
      2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), modifyStatus rF d)
      3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, modifyEntry rF idx d)
    -- 2 -> Add
    -- 3 -> Div
    targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget
    rF x = rem x operand

type Balance = Int
type Time = Int
type Status = Int
type Idx = Int
type Datum = Int

data Data = Data
  { time :: Time
  , balance :: Balance
  , status :: Status
  , aMap :: IM.IntMap Datum
  } deriving (Show,Eq)

sizeOfTarget :: Int
sizeOfTarget = 4

instance NFData Data where
  rnf (Data t b s m) = rnf t `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf s `seq` rnf m

getTime    = time
getBalance = balance
getStatus  = status
getEntry idx = fromMaybe 0 . IM.lookup idx . aMap
setTime newTime d = d { time = newTime }
setBalance newBalance d = d { balance = newBalance }
setStatus newStatus d = d { status = newStatus }
setEntry idx aDatum d = d { aMap = IM.insert idx aDatum (aMap d) }
modifyTime f d = d { time = f (time d) }
modifyBalance f d = d { balance = f (balance d) }
modifyStatus f d = d { status = f (status d) }
modifyEntry f idx d = d { aMap = IM.adjust f idx (aMap d) }


  • Based on @AndrásKovács 's comment, I've add new test functions.
  • Updated every measured time with the new functions.
  • Please refer State-free version and ST monad version from the master branch


  • I've run this code with GHC options without -threaded and with -O2.
  • You can see the entire result of the benchmark in here and here.
  • Pure function without State monad version does not show any performance change by this shorthanded code.
  • You can build the entire benchmark about this problem from this code.
like image 803
QuietJoon Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 07:11


1 Answers

As far as I see from looking at Core output via ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all, GHC simply misses State tuple unboxing and worker-wrapping if we do the following:

runTimeSlot2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot2 (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> ...
    1 -> ..
    where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

But it works in the following case. We can also put targetInData in a let before the case.

runTimeSlot2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> State Data [Int]
runTimeSlot2 (target : idx : rest) inst operand = do
  d <- get
  case inst of
    0 -> ...
    1 -> ..
  where targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget

What's the reason? I have no idea. But this is an example where we are placing a bit too much trust in GHC anyway, and the program is far from optimal to begin with. First, I'd make Data strict, and use whnf in the benchmark instead of nf:

data Data = Data
  { time :: !Time
  , balance :: !Balance
  , status :: !Status
  , aMap :: !(IM.IntMap Datum)
  } deriving (Show,Eq)

Second, I don't think the State buys us much in this particular example, and we can just write a tail-recursive function:

runSimulator1 :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Data -> Data
runSimulator1 = go where
  go 0 _ _ _ d = d
  go size (target : (idx : rest)) (i : iList) (o : oList) d =
    let targetInData = rem target sizeOfTarget in
    case i of
      0 -> case targetInData of
        0 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setTime o d)
        1 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setBalance o d)
        2 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (setStatus o d)
        3 -> go (size - 1) rest         iList oList (setEntry idx o d)
      1 -> case targetInData of
        0 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyTime    (\x -> rem x o) d)
        1 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyBalance (\x -> rem x o) d)
        2 -> go (size - 1) (idx : rest) iList oList (modifyStatus  (\x -> rem x o) d)
        3 -> go (size - 1) rest         iList oList (modifyEntry   (\x -> rem x o) idx d)

This runs a bit more than twice as fast on my computer than the better performing variant in your original benchmark.

I note a performance issue in the original code:

0 -> case targetInData of
  0 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setTime operand d)
  1 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setBalance operand d)
  2 -> state $ \s -> ((idx : rest), setStatus operand d)
  3 -> state $ \s -> (rest, setEntry idx operand d)

Above, all the returned state like setTime operand d is lazy. Hence, we get a large number of thunks. We can do instead:

0 -> case targetInData of -- Set
  0 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setTime operand d)
  1 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setBalance operand d)
  2 -> (idx : rest) <$ (put $! setStatus operand d)
  3 ->  rest        <$ (put $! setEntry idx operand d)

This gives us a performance boost, but it still a bit slower than my State-free version, because GHC can unbox Data as a plain function argument or result, but it cannot unbox Data inside the State tuple.

In general, if you really want to optimize, the most robust solution is pure (non-monadic) and strict plain functions, preferably tail-recursive. It depends on the development situation whether it's worth the effort to optimize to such degree.

like image 67
András Kovács Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

András Kovács