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Who owns MemoryStream objects placed on the clipboard? (Or should something other than MemoryStream be used?)

I have a method like this:

public DataObject GetClipboardData()
    var result = new DataObject();
    result.SetData(DataFormats.Html, this.GenerateHtml(), false);
    return result;

where GenerateHtml returns a MemoryStream.

Do I need to be worried about closing the MemoryStream object? Or should I use some other type of object to place raw bytes on the clipboard?

(I tried byte[] but this places the text "System.Byte[]" or similar on the clipboard)

like image 533
Billy ONeal Avatar asked Oct 29 '13 20:10

Billy ONeal

People also ask

How do I reuse MemoryStream?

You can re-use the MemoryStream by Setting the Position to 0 and the Length to 0. By setting the length to 0 you do not clear the existing buffer, it only resets the internal counters.

Does MemoryStream need to be disposed?

MemoryStream does not have any unmanaged resources to dispose, so you don't technically have to dispose of it. The effect of not disposing a MemoryStream is roughly the same thing as dropping a reference to a byte[] -- the GC will clean both up the same way.

What is MemoryStream in C#?

MemoryStream(Byte[]) Initializes a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStream class based on the specified byte array. MemoryStream(Byte[], Boolean) Initializes a new non-resizable instance of the MemoryStream class based on the specified byte array with the CanWrite property set as specified.

What is the difference between Stream and MemoryStream?

You would use the FileStream to read/write a file but a MemoryStream to read/write in-memory data, such as a byte array decoded from a string. You would not use a Stream in and of itself, but rather use it for polymorphism, i.e. passing it to methods that can accept any implementation of Stream as an argument.

1 Answers

I think that if an object implements IDisposable is a good thing to dispose it when you don't need it anymore.

DataObject provides a basic implementation of the IDataObject interface so why don't you derive from it:

public sealed class HtmlDataObject : DataObject, IDisposable
    protected MemoryStream HtmlMemoryStream { get; set; }

    public HtmlDataObject(MemoryStream memoryStream, string fallBackText)
        HtmlMemoryStream = memoryStream;
        SetData(DataFormats.Html, false, HtmlMemoryStream );
    public void Dispose()
        HtmlMemoryStream .Dispose();

So your method can be changed:

public HtmlDataObject GetClipboardData()
    return new HtmlDataObject(this.GenerateHtml(), this.fallbackText.ToString());

And you can put it into an using statement or Dispose() it when you have finished using it.

Final thought: You should not worry about clipboard data because the DataObject will be destroyed anyway when you exit the application and your clipboard will lose what you put inside with it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278673.aspx

If you want that the stream is persisted after disposing it and/or when the application exit you have to use Clipboard.SetDataObject with the copy parameter = true

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giammin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
