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White labeling React Native apps

There is some information here already: White labeling an iOS app

I was wondering if there any workflows for white labeling a React Native app?

Basically if I had a core app for the app store. I would like to create white labeled versions (iOS + Android) with some modifications.

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Nikos Avatar asked Apr 25 '17 12:04


People also ask

What is a white label native app?

A white label native version of an AppSheet app is a native mobile app with your own branding you can publish directly in an app store or distribute on your own. The installation and use of a white label native app is similar to the millions of other apps in the app store.

Can you white label apps?

A white label app is a generic app that is created by software developers as a sort of blank slate. These kinds of apps are designed solely with the intent of reselling it to a business that would like to rebrand the app as their own. They can be injected with just enough online branding to stand out from the crowd.

1 Answers

I found the project a project called white-label-app in github, I believe you can inspire yourself looking this project closer (and use them as boilerplate).

I'll try to use the majorajs, the idea of this package is "Manage white-label or skinned versions of your React Native app", sounds good for me.

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Duke Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10
