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ListItem Avatar Not Displaying

As part of a FlatList, I render each ListItem (from the react-native-elements library) where I try to display an avatar (icon) from a url to a photo:

     avatar={{ source: { uri: item.icon } }} 

All the other props display fine but on the left side of each cell I just get a grey box. I've logged the value of item.icon and it points to a valid photo. Do I need to download the photo and then provide a local link to it?

How can I get the photo to show up as the cell's avatar?

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The Kraken Avatar asked Nov 27 '18 07:11

The Kraken

2 Answers

You're using the wrong object for the image avatar.

Stable Version


avatar={{ uri: item.icon }}


           source={{uri: item.icon}}
           title={'Sample Title'}

Beta Version

leftAvatar={{ source: { uri: item.icon } }}
like image 178
Pritish Vaidya Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Pritish Vaidya

According to react-native-elements they have leftAvatar and no just avatar

        leftAvatar={{ source: { uri: l.avatar_url } }}
like image 44
Ammar Tariq Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Ammar Tariq