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Which values does WebHost read from appsettings.json

In .Net Core you can self host a web server using WebHost. There is a method called CreateDefaultBuilder(), to which the Microsoft documentation states the following:

CreateDefaultBuilder performs the following tasks:

  • Loads app configuration from:
  • appsettings.json.

However, there doesn't seem to be any documentation on which parameters you can put into appsettings.json to have the WebHost automatically get configuration values other than the default values.

For example, I tried adding the following to my appsettings.json, but the server is started with http://localhost:5000 regardless:

  "Kestrel" : {
    "urls" : "http://*:8080"
  "server" : {
    "urls" : "http://*:8080"

I know I can read appsettings.json myself using ConfigurationBuilder, but that sort of defeats the purpose of the documentation

So, what do I need to put into my appsettings.json file to have CreateDefaultBuilder() not use the default values? A list of all possible values to put into appsettings.json would be welcome as well.

like image 704
GTHvidsten Avatar asked Aug 25 '18 21:08


1 Answers

Why does CreateDefaultBuilder not configure the host with appsettings.json values?

Part of the answer is to distinguish between host and app configuration. The documentation says that CreateDefaultBuilder...

  • Loads host configuration from:
    • Environment variables prefixed with ASPNETCORE_ ...
    • Command-line arguments.
  • Loads app configuration from:
    • appsettings.json.
    • appsettings.{Environment}.json.

From within CreateDefaultBuilder, the reason that appsettings.json does not automatically affect the host, is that those settings are configuring the app, and the app config does not affect the host config. The documentation indicates that when it says:

IWebHostBuilder configuration is added to the app's configuration, but the converse isn't true — ConfigureAppConfiguration doesn't affect the IWebHostBuilder configuration.

Looking at the source code shows that the CreateDefaultBuilder method only adds the appsettings.json values from within its call to ConfigureAppConfiguration. That is why those values are not automatically impacting the host.

How can we configure the host with values from a *.json file?

CreateDefaultBuilder does not automatically configure the host with a *.json file. We need to do that manually, and the documentation specifies how. In the example the file is named hostsettings.json, and the example adds it explicitly like this:

var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()

return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
    // this impacts *both* host and app config

There is no magic in the name hostsettings.json. In fact, we could combine our host settings and our app settings into one file named appsettings.json. The way CreateDefaultBuilder works encourages us to keep those settings somewhat separate.

What keys can we put in a *.json file to configure the host?

This is the list of keys that we can use to configure the host:

like image 166
Shaun Luttin Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 15:11

Shaun Luttin