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Which types can be used for Java annotation members?

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What are annotation types?

The annotation type definition looks similar to an interface definition where the keyword interface is preceded by the at sign ( @ ) (@ = AT, as in annotation type). Annotation types are a form of interface, which will be covered in a later lesson. For the moment, you do not need to understand interfaces.

Which of the following are not type of annotation?

Which of the following is not pre defined annotation in Java? Explanation: @Overriden is not a pre defined annotation in Java. @Depricated, @Override, @SuppressWarnings, @SafeVarags and @FunctionInterface are the pre defined annotations.

It's specified by section 9.6.1 of the JLS. The annotation member types must be one of:

  • primitive
  • String
  • an Enum
  • another Annotation
  • Class
  • an array of any of the above

It does seem restrictive, but no doubt there are reasons for it.

Also note that multidimensional arrays (e.g. String[][]) are implicitly forbidden by the above rule.

Arrays of Class are not allowed as described in this answer.

I agree with Skaffman for the Types available.

Additional restriction : it has to be a compile-time constant.

For example, the following are forbidden:

@MyAnnot("a" + myConstantStringMethod())
@MyAnnot(1 + myConstantIntMethod())

Also don't forget that annotations themselves can be part of an annotation definition. This allows some simple annotation nesting - handy in cases where you would like to have one annotation present many times.

For example:

    @SimpleAnnotation(a="...", b=3),
    @SimpleAnnotation(a="...", b=3),
    @SimpleAnnotation(a="...", b=3)
public Object foo() {...}

where SimpleAnnotation is

public @interface SimpleAnnotation {
    public String a();
    public int b();

and ComplexAnnotation is

public @interface ComplexAnnotation {
    public SimpleAnnotation[] value() default {};

Examples taken from: http://web.archive.org/web/20131216093805/https://blogs.oracle.com/toddfast/entry/creating_nested_complex_java_annotations

(original URL: https://blogs.oracle.com/toddfast/entry/creating_nested_complex_java_annotations)

The concept of annotations fits really well with the design of my project, until I realized you can't have complex datatypes in the annotation. I got around it by using the class of what I wanted to instantiate rather than an instantiated object of that class. It's not perfect, but java rarely is.

@interface Decorated { Class<? extends PropertyDecorator> decorator() }

interface PropertyDecorator { String decorate(String value) }

class TitleCaseDecorator implements PropertyDecorator {
    String decorate(String value)

class Person {
    @Decorated(decorator = TitleCaseDecorator.class)
    String name

According to Oracle the valid types for annotation elements are:

1. Primitives (byte, char, int, long float, double)
2. Enums
3. Class (Think generics here Class <?>, Class<? extends/super T>>)
4. String
5. Array of the above (array[] of primitives, enums, String, or Class)
5. Another annotation.

A plus to note, all elements are inherently considered public and abstract.


 static final variable(s) allowed as well.