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Which Twitter wrapper libs support Python 3.x?

I'd like to add support for Twitter in a project built with Python 3.2, but I can't figure out which libraries support it.

I've done a bit of googling and I cannot come up with a clear answer; the closest thing I've found is Twython, mentioning in their readme that it's uber-experimental and you need a hacked version of python-oauth2, so it's basically hacks all the way down; surely there is something better out there?

like image 921
Giacomo Lacava Avatar asked Oct 21 '12 13:10

Giacomo Lacava

1 Answers

If you didn't already know them, you may want to take a look at the Python Twitter Tools that turned out from my bit of googling: they are listed among Python 3 packages on PyPI (under the package name twitter), and seem to be actively developed on GitHub.

like image 180
Giulio Piancastelli Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Giulio Piancastelli