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Which timeout value determins how long will the idle TCP connection will be closed?

After the connection has been established, and the two sides have no communication, which timeout value determines the idle connection be closed?

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Benny Avatar asked Dec 21 '09 09:12


People also ask

What is TCP idle timeout?

Idle timeout is the maximum length of time that a TCP connection can stay active when no traffic is sent through the connection. The default global idle timeout for all traffic is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

How long does TCP connection timeout take?

By default, the TCP connection timeout is 15 minutes and the UDP connection timeout 30 seconds. In order to increase the connection timeout you can modify it from the firewall access rules.

What is timeout How is its value set in TCP?

The Idle Timeout setting in the TCP profile specifies the length of time that a connection is idle before the connection is eligible for deletion. If no traffic flow is detected within the idle session timeout, the BIG-IP system can delete the session. The default is 300 seconds.

1 Answers

In general, none. It is the programmer's and protocol-designer's responsibility to specify, implement and enforce any timeouts at an application level.

However, all kinds of things can happen to cause outages and other network connectivity issues. It is not possible to determine if a TCP connection is idle, or if the other end is unreachable, unless you're trying to send something.

For this reason, most servers with long-standing connections contain simple polls such as sending empty packets or such every so-often just to detect lack of connectivity.

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Will Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 01:09
