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Which tidyverse functions return tibbles?

Some tidyverse functions return dataframes, but some return tibbles. I can't find any resources on which functions return which data type, and I can't see any real predictable pattern to it. Here are a few examples for illustration:


# Returns dataframe
df1 <- iris %>% mutate(newcol = mean(Sepal.Length))
df2 <- iris %>% filter(Sepal.Length > 5)
df3 <- iris %>% select(Sepal.Length, Species)

class(df1); class(df2); class(df3)

[1] "data.frame"
[1] "data.frame"
[1] "data.frame"

# Returns tibble
df4 <- iris %>% add_count(Species)
df5 <- iris %>% pivot_longer(cols = -Species)
df6 <- iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% mutate(newcol = mean(Sepal.Length))

class(df4); class(df5); class(df6)

[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
[1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

Is there a way to tell what the return value type will be from the function? Or perhaps there is a resource on which functions return which data type in the tidyverse? A lot of R code will run the same on tibbles and dataframes, but there are important differences, such as the default behavior for extracting a column, where drop = FALSE is the default behavior for tibbles. I know I can always change the types manually, but when working with large bodies of legacy code it would be incredibly useful to know

like image 294
astrofunkswag Avatar asked Apr 06 '20 20:04


People also ask

What are the tidyverse functions?

The Tidyverse suite of integrated packages are designed to work together to make common data science operations more user friendly. The packages have functions for data wrangling, tidying, reading/writing, parsing, and visualizing, among others.

How do I know if I have Tibble?

You can use the function is_tibble() to check whether a data frame is a tibble or not. The mtcars data frame is not a tibble. But the diamonds and flights data are tibbles. More generally, you can use the class() function to find out the class of an object.

Are data frames Tibbles?

Tibbles are data. frames that are lazy and surly: they do less (i.e. they don't change variable names or types, and don't do partial matching) and complain more (e.g. when a variable does not exist). This forces you to confront problems earlier, typically leading to cleaner, more expressive code.

What is the function of Tibble in R?

tibble() is a nice way to create data frames. It encapsulates best practices for data frames: It never changes an input's type (i.e., no more stringsAsFactors = FALSE !). List-columns are often created by tidyr::nest() , but they can be useful to create by hand.

1 Answers

I called each of these tidyverse functions with dummy arguments to find the resulting class.

  "dplyr::filter"=dplyr::filter(iris, T) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::filter_all"=dplyr::filter_all(mtcars, all_vars(. > 1)) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::group_by"=dplyr::group_by(iris, Species) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::group_by_all"=dplyr::group_by_all(iris, function(...) TRUE) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::group_keys"=dplyr::group_keys(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::group_modify"=dplyr::group_modify(iris, function(x, ...) identity(x)) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::mutate"=dplyr::mutate(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::mutate_all"=dplyr::mutate_all(iris, identity) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::rowwise"=dplyr::rowwise(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::select"=dplyr::select(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::select_all"=dplyr::select_all(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::slice"=dplyr::slice(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::summarise"=dplyr::summarise(iris) %>% class(),
  "dplyr::summarise_all"=dplyr::summarise_all(iris, ~.) %>% class(),
  "modelr::add_predictions"=modelr::add_predictions(mtcars, lm(cyl~hp, data = mtcars)) %>% class(),
  "modelr::add_residuals"=modelr::add_residuals(mtcars, lm(cyl~hp, data = mtcars)) %>% class(),
  "modelr::bootstrap"=modelr::bootstrap(mtcars, 1) %>% class(),
  "modelr::crossv_mc"=modelr::crossv_mc(iris, 1) %>% class(),
  "modelr::data_grid"=modelr::data_grid(mtcars, vs, am) %>% class(),
  "modelr::model_matrix"=modelr::model_matrix(mtcars, am ~ disp) %>% class(),
  "modelr::permute"=modelr::permute(iris, 1) %>% class(),
  "tibble::add_column"=tibble::add_column(iris) %>% class(),
  "tibble::add_row"=tibble::add_row(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::complete"=tidyr::complete(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::drop_na"=tidyr::drop_na(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::expand"=tidyr::expand(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::extract"=tidyr::extract(data.frame(x = c(NA, "a-b", "a-d", "b-c", "d-e")), x, "A") %>% class(),
  "tidyr::fill"=tidyr::fill(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::gather"=tidyr::gather(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::nest"=tidyr::nest(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::replace_na"=tidyr::replace_na(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::separate"=tidyr::separate(data.frame(x = c(NA, "a.b", "a.d", "b.c")), x, c("A", "B")) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::separate_rows"=tidyr::separate_rows(iris) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::spread"=tidyr::spread(data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), y = c(3, 4), z = c(5, 6)), x, y) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::uncount"=tidyr::uncount(data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), n = c(1, 2)), n) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::unite"=tidyr::unite(iris, "z", 1:2) %>% class(),
  "tidyr::unnest"=tidyr::unnest(iris) %>% class()
) %>% 
  enframe() %>%
  mutate(value = map_chr(value, max)) %>%
#>                       name      value
#> 1            dplyr::filter data.frame
#> 2        dplyr::filter_all data.frame
#> 3          dplyr::group_by     tbl_df
#> 4      dplyr::group_by_all     tbl_df
#> 5        dplyr::group_keys data.frame
#> 6      dplyr::group_modify data.frame
#> 7            dplyr::mutate data.frame
#> 8        dplyr::mutate_all data.frame
#> 9           dplyr::rowwise     tbl_df
#> 10           dplyr::select data.frame
#> 11       dplyr::select_all data.frame
#> 12            dplyr::slice data.frame
#> 13        dplyr::summarise data.frame
#> 14    dplyr::summarise_all data.frame
#> 15 modelr::add_predictions data.frame
#> 16   modelr::add_residuals data.frame
#> 17       modelr::bootstrap     tbl_df
#> 18       modelr::crossv_mc     tbl_df
#> 19       modelr::data_grid     tbl_df
#> 20    modelr::model_matrix     tbl_df
#> 21         modelr::permute     tbl_df
#> 22      tibble::add_column data.frame
#> 23         tibble::add_row data.frame
#> 24         tidyr::complete data.frame
#> 25          tidyr::drop_na data.frame
#> 26           tidyr::expand     tbl_df
#> 27          tidyr::extract data.frame
#> 28             tidyr::fill data.frame
#> 29           tidyr::gather data.frame
#> 30             tidyr::nest     tbl_df
#> 31       tidyr::replace_na data.frame
#> 32         tidyr::separate data.frame
#> 33    tidyr::separate_rows     tbl_df
#> 34           tidyr::spread data.frame
#> 35          tidyr::uncount data.frame
#> 36            tidyr::unite data.frame
#> 37           tidyr::unnest     tbl_df

Candidate functions were identified by finding tidyverse functions whose first argument was ".data", ".tbl", or "data".

df <-
  collidr::CRANdf %>%
  filter(package_names %in% tidyverse::tidyverse_packages()) %>%
  mutate(f = map2(function_names, package_names, possibly(getFromNamespace, otherwise = NA))) %>%
  filter(map_lgl(f, is_function), !map_lgl(f, rlang::is_primitive)) %>%
  mutate(first_arg = map(f, ~rlang::fn_fmls(.) %>% names() %>% first())) %>%
  filter(first_arg %in% c(".data", ".tbl", "data")) %>%
  select(package_names, function_names, first_arg)
#>    package_names       function_names first_arg
#> 1            cli                 tree      data
#> 2         dbplyr     arrange.tbl_lazy     .data
#> 3         dbplyr           do.tbl_sql     .data
#> 4         dbplyr         window_order     .data
#> 5          dplyr              arrange     .data
#> 6          dplyr          arrange_all      .tbl
#> 7          dplyr             distinct     .data
#> 8          dplyr         distinct_all      .tbl
#> 9          dplyr                   do     .data
#> 10         dplyr               filter     .data
#> 11         dplyr           filter_all      .tbl
#> 12         dplyr             group_by     .data
#> 13         dplyr         group_by_all      .tbl
#> 14         dplyr           group_keys      .tbl
#> 15         dplyr            group_map     .data
#> 16         dplyr           group_rows     .data
#> 17         dplyr           group_trim      .tbl
#> 18         dplyr               mutate     .data
#> 19         dplyr           mutate_all      .tbl
#> 20         dplyr                 pull     .data
#> 21         dplyr              rowwise      data
#> 22         dplyr               select     .data
#> 23         dplyr           select_all      .tbl
#> 24         dplyr                slice     .data
#> 25         dplyr            summarise     .data
#> 26         dplyr        summarise_all      .tbl
#> 27       ggplot2               ggplot      data
#> 28        modelr      add_predictions      data
#> 29        modelr        add_residuals      data
#> 30        modelr            bootstrap      data
#> 31        modelr            crossv_mc      data
#> 32        modelr            data_grid      data
#> 33        modelr             fit_with      data
#> 34        modelr         model_matrix      data
#> 35        modelr              permute      data
#> 36        modelr             resample      data
#> 37        modelr   resample_bootstrap      data
#> 38        modelr   resample_partition      data
#> 39        modelr resample_permutation      data
#> 40         rlang         as_data_mask      data
#> 41        tibble           add_column     .data
#> 42        tibble              add_row     .data
#> 43         tidyr             complete      data
#> 44         tidyr              drop_na      data
#> 45         tidyr               expand      data
#> 46         tidyr              extract      data
#> 47         tidyr                 fill      data
#> 48         tidyr               gather      data
#> 49         tidyr                 nest     .data
#> 50         tidyr           replace_na      data
#> 51         tidyr             separate      data
#> 52         tidyr        separate_rows      data
#> 53         tidyr               spread      data
#> 54         tidyr              uncount      data
#> 55         tidyr                unite      data
#> 56         tidyr               unnest      data
like image 110
Paul Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11
