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sidebarMenu does not function properly when using includeHTML

I am using Rshinydashboard and I have ran into an issue when I try and include a html document in my app using includeHTML. Once the menuItems & menSubItems are expanded, they can not be retracted. I have explored other solutions and have found none. If you have any idea what may be the problem or have another way of including a html report in an app I would appreciate your help. Please see the code below and help if you can!

Create a RMD file to create a html report (if you don't have one lying around)

title: "test"
output: html_document
## Test HTML Document
This is just a test.

Build a Test html Report

# Build Test HTML file
  input = "~/test.rmd",
  output_format = "html_document",
  output_file = file.path(tempdir(), "Test.html")

Build Test App

ui <- dashboardPage(
      id = "sidebarmenu",
        "A", tabName = "a",  icon = icon("group", lib="font-awesome"),
        menuSubItem("AA", tabName = "aa"),
          "input.sidebarmenu === 'aa'",
          sliderInput("b", "Under sidebarMenu", 1, 100, 50)
        menuSubItem("AB", tabName = "ab")
      tabItem(tabName = "a", textOutput("texta")),
      tabItem(tabName = "aa", textOutput("textaa"), uiOutput("uia")),
      tabItem(tabName = "ab", textOutput("textab"))

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$texta <- renderText("showing tab A")
  output$textaa <- renderText("showing tab AA")
  output$textab <- renderText("showing tab AB")
  output$uia <- renderUI(includeHTML(path = file.path(tempdir(), "Test.html")))

shinyApp(ui, server)
like image 698
Jason Avatar asked May 19 '18 20:05


1 Answers

That is because you included a complete HTML file in the shiny UI, and you should only include the content between <body> and </body> (quoted from yihui)

A solution could be to run an extra line to fix your Test.html automatically after running rmarkdown::render():

xml2::write_html(rvest::html_node(xml2::read_html("Test.html"), "body"), file = "Test2.html")

and then have

output$uia <- renderUI(includeHTML(path = file.path(tempdir(), "Test2.html")))

like image 182
RolandASc Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
