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Which shell does Perl 6's shell() use?




Perl 6's shell sends commands to the "shell" but doesn't say what that is. I consistently get bash on my machine but I don't know if I can rely on that.

$ perl6 -e 'shell( Q/echo $SHELL/ )'
$ csh
% perl6 -e 'shell( Q/echo $SHELL/ )'
% zsh
$ perl6 -e 'shell( Q/echo $SHELL/ )'

That's easy enough on Unix when it's documented, but what about cmd.exe or PowerShell on Windows (or bash if it's installed)? I figure it's the cmd.exe but a documented answer would be nice.

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brian d foy Avatar asked Apr 25 '18 19:04

brian d foy

Video Answer

2 Answers

Looking at the source, rakudo just calls /bin/sh -c on non-windows and uses %*ENV<ComSpec> /c on windows.

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timotimo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10


dash (installed as /bin/sh on many systems), doesn't set $SHELL, nor should it. $SHELL isn't the name of the parent process; it's the name of the shell that should be used when an interactive shell is desired.

To get the name of the parent process, you could use the following on some systems:

echo "$0"


# Command line
perl -e'$ppid=getppid(); @ARGV="/proc/$ppid/cmdline"; CORE::say "".<>'


# Program file
perl -e'$ppid=getppid(); CORE::say readlink("/proc/$ppid/exe")'

You'll find you'll get /bin/sh in all cases.

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ikegami Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10
