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Which is the nicer way to initialize a map? [duplicate]



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How do you initialize a map?

The Static Initializer for a Static HashMap We can also initialize the map using the double-brace syntax: Map<String, String> doubleBraceMap = new HashMap<String, String>() {{ put("key1", "value1"); put("key2", "value2"); }};

How do you initialize a map in go?

Initializing map using map literals: Map literal is the easiest way to initialize a map with data just simply separate the key-value pair with a colon and the last trailing colon is necessary if you do not use, then the compiler will give an error.

How do you initialize a map with 0?

What exactly do you want to initialize to zero? map's default constructor creates empty map. You may increase map's size only by inserting elements (like m["str1"]=0 or m. insert(std::map<std::string,int>::value_type("str2",0)) ).

One allows you to initialize capacity, one allows you to initialize values:

// Initializes a map with space for 15 items before reallocation
m := make(map[string]int32, 15)


// Initializes a map with an entry relating the name "bob" to the number 5
m := map[string]int{"bob": 5} 

For an empty map with capacity 0, they're the same and it's just preference.