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Which "for" loop should I use in Perl?




What are the arguments for using one of the for loops over the other to count through integers?

for my $i (0..$n) { ... }

for (my $i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++) { ... }
like image 260
Tim Avatar asked Apr 22 '11 16:04


People also ask

What is the difference between for loop and for each loop in Perl?

There is no difference. From perldoc perlsyn: The foreach keyword is actually a synonym for the for keyword, so you can use foreach for readability or for for brevity. Save this answer.

What type of loop is most appropriate?

The for loop is probably the most common and well known type of loop in any programming language. For can be used to iterate through the elements of an array: For can also be used to perform a fixed number of iterations: By default the increment is one.

What is @_ and $_ in Perl?

$_ - The default input and pattern-searching space. @_ - Within a subroutine the array @_ contains the parameters passed to that subroutine. $" - When an array or an array slice is interpolated into a double-quoted string or a similar context such as /.../ , its elements are separated by this value.

2 Answers

In your case, there isn't any difference.

In other use cases, in a for-each loop you don't have control of or access to the iterator.

Using your example syntax:

for my $i (0..10)
   print "$i";

The above actually creates a foreach loop - it's the same as saying foreach my $i (0..10). $i is a value returned from the list, not the iterator. The iterator is internal and you don't have any access to it; you can not control the flow of the loop.

The output from above will print 012345678910.


for ( my $i = 0; $i++ ; $i <= 10)
    print $i;

That is an actual for loop. You are controlling and outputting the iterator. It will output: 0246810

In addition:

When you do for (1..$n) you are invoking the range operator vs. doing a simple comparison at the top of the loop. Performance differences, however, would be immeasurable.

like image 172
Brian Roach Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 17:10

Brian Roach

The difference between the two styles of for loops in Perl is one of both clarity and efficiency.

When you look at for my $i (0 .. $n) {...} you can instantly see the range being used without having to mentally parse a larger expression.

With for (my $i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++) {...} there is quite a bit more to look at, and more places where errors can creep in.

In addition, foreach over a range is faster than the equivalent C-style loop as shown by the following benchmark:

use Benchmark 'cmpthese';

for my $mag (map 10**$_, 1 .. 6) {
    print "\n$mag:\n";
    cmpthese -2 => {
        loop => sub {my $x = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $mag; $i++) {$x += $i}},
        each => sub {my $x = 0; for my $i (0 .. $mag) {$x += $i}},

which prints:

         Rate loop each
loop 613877/s   --  -2%
each 625568/s   2%   --

         Rate loop each
loop  79481/s   -- -24%
each 104758/s  32%   --

        Rate loop each
loop  8140/s   -- -27%
each 11220/s  38%   --

       Rate loop each
loop  832/s   -- -26%
each 1124/s  35%   --

       Rate loop each
loop 81.6/s   -- -26%
each  110/s  34%   --

       Rate loop each
loop 6.90/s   -- -26%
each 9.27/s  34%   --
like image 31
Eric Strom Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10

Eric Strom