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How to capture both STDOUT and STDERR in two different variables using Backticks in Perl

Let's say I want to run an external program from my script with backticks and at the same time I want to capture both STDOUT and STDERR but in two different variables. How can I do that? For istance if I run this script...

my $cmd = `snmpwalk -v $version -c $community $hostname $oid`;

...if there is no error everything works just fine BUT if the command raise an error this error will be printed on the command line and I don't want that to happen. I want to capture the error as well. Nothing has to be printed on the screen. Any ideas?

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raz3r Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 11:12


People also ask

How do I capture stderr in Perl?

You can use Capture::Tiny to capture stdout, stderr or both merged. Show activity on this post. I'm personally a fan of the core module IPC::Open3, though the answer with 2>&1 will get both stderr and stdout in the same stream (and usually good enough).

What is the use of Backtick in Perl?

People knowing shell are familiar with the back-ticks `` that allow us to execute external commands and capture their output. In Perl you can use the back-ticks or the qx operator that does exactly the same, just makes the code more readable.

What is stdout in Perl?

STDOUT is the Perl filehandle for printing standard output. Unless a filehandle is specified, all standard printed output in Perl will go to the terminal. Because STDOUT is just a global variable, it can be redirected and restored.

2 Answers

You needn't go all the way to open3, which IIRC is only for when you need to read and write to an external command, and even then there are other methods.

For your problem I suggest using Capture::Tiny, which can capture (or even tee) the STDOUT and STDERR from anything run inside its block. For example, per your question:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;


my ($stdout, $stderr) = capture {
  system ( "snmpwalk -v $version -c $community $hostname $oid" );

For another example consider this functioning code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Capture::Tiny qw/capture/;

my ($stdout, $stderr) = capture {
  system ( "echo 'hello'" );
  system ( "date" );
  warn "Arg1!";

print "STDOUT:\n$stdout";
print "STDERR:\n$stderr";

which just gave me:

Mon Dec 19 23:59:06 CST 2011
Arg1! at ./test.pl line 11.
like image 169
Joel Berger Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Joel Berger

The only way to do this with backticks is to redirect to a file inside the shell command:

   my $cmd = `snmpwalk -v $version -c $community $hostname $oid 2>error.dat`;

If you want to capture the STDERR inside your script, you need IPC::Open3 instead of backticks

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Colin Fine Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

Colin Fine