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which element will be returned from std::multimap::find, and similarly std::multiset::find?

Most likely this question is a duplicate but I could not find a reference to it.

I'm looking at std::multiset::find & std::multimap::find functions and I was wondering which element will be returned if a specific key was inserted multiple times?

From the description:

Notice that this function returns an iterator to a single element (of the possibly multiple equivalent elements)


Is it guaranteed that the single element is the first one inserted or is it random?


The reason I'm asking is that I'm implementing multipmap like class:

typedef std::vector<Item> Item_vector;

class Item
  string m_name;

class MyItemMultiMap
  // forgive me for not checking if key exist in the map. it is just an example.

  void add_item( const Item& v ) { m_map[v.m_name].push_back(v); }
  // is returning the first item in the vector mimic std::multimap::find behavior?
  Item& get_item( const string& v ) { return m_map[v][0]; } 

  std::map<string,Item_vector> m_map;

I'd like get_item() to work exactly as std::multimap::find. is it possible? if so, how would it be implemented?

like image 264
idanshmu Avatar asked Jan 14 '14 11:01


People also ask

How do I access a multimap element?

multimap::find( ) an inbuilt function in C++ STL, which is defined in <map> header file. find() searches elements in the container which are associated with key K. This function returns an iterator pointing to the single element in a container. It returns an iterator if the element found in the container.

What is multiset and multimap in C++?

Multimap in C++The multimap container in C++ is similar to the map container with an addition that a multimap can have multiple key-value pairs with the same key. Rather than each element is unique, the key-value and mapped value pair have to be unique in this case.

Can multimap have duplicate keys?

Multi-map in C++ is an associative container like map. It internally store elements in key value pair. But unlike map which store only unique keys, multimap can have duplicate keys.

2 Answers

The find method may return an arbitrary one if more than one is present, though your STL implementation might indeed just give the first one.

It's safer to use the 'lower_bound' method, and ++ iterate from there (see std::multimap::lower_bound). Do note though that 'lower_bound' returns a ref to another element if what you're looking for isn't present!

like image 101
Carl Colijn Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Carl Colijn

The C++ standard says that for any associative container a, a.find(k) "returns an iterator pointing to an element with the key equivalent to k, or a.end() if such an element is not found", and it doesn't impose any additional requirements on multimap. Since it doesn't specify which element is returned, the implementation is permitted to return any matching element.

If you're trying to imitate the exact behavior of multimap on the platform where you're running, that's bad news, but if your goal is just to satisfy the same requirements as multimap, it's good news: you can return any matching element that you want to, and in particular it's fine to just always return the first one.

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Geoff Romer Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Geoff Romer