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Which crypto libararies support Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE)? [closed]



Is there any open source FPE implementation available? I am no cryptography expert but I am aware of the basic concepts behind FPE and I am looking for a generic library which helps me implement FPE for sensitive data such as phone numbers, social security numbers, etc. No strong programming language preference, but robustness of the algorithm and implementation are important.

What I found so far:

  • libffx (implements FFX in Python, GPL license)
  • botan (implements FE1 in C++, BSD2 license)
  • Miracl (implements BPS in C/C++, dual licensing: commercial or AGPL)

but I did not yet personally use them.

Are there any other libraries supporting FPE, or will be in the near future? Which of these or others are recommended and why?

like image 687
wau Avatar asked Nov 06 '14 14:11


1 Answers

Simple and extendable library on Python https://github.com/emulbreh/pyffx

like image 73
asduj Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09
