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Help me with XOR encryption

I wrote this code in C# to encrypt a string with a key:

private static int Bin2Dec(string num)
    int _num = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++)
        _num += (int)Math.Pow(2, num.Length - i - 1) * int.Parse(num[i].ToString());

    return _num;

private static string Dec2Bin(int num)
    if (num < 2) return num.ToString();

    return Dec2Bin(num / 2) + (num % 2).ToString();

public static string StrXor(string str, string key)
    string _str = "";
    string _key = "";
    string _xorStr = "";
    string _temp = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        _temp = Dec2Bin(str[i]);    

        for (int j = 0; j < 8 - _temp.Length + 1; j++)
            _temp = '0' + _temp;

        _str += _temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++)
        _temp = Dec2Bin(key[i]);

        for (int j = 0; j < 8 - _temp.Length + 1; j++)
            _temp = '0' + _temp;

        _key += _temp;

    while (_key.Length < _str.Length) _key += _key;

    if (_key.Length > _str.Length) _key = _key.Substring(0, _str.Length);

    for (int i = 0; i < _str.Length; i++)
        if (_str[i] == _key[i]) { _xorStr += '0'; } else { _xorStr += '1'; }

    _str = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < _xorStr.Length; i += 8)
        char _chr = (char)0;
        _chr = (char)Bin2Dec(_xorStr.Substring(i, 8)); //ERROR : (Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length)
        _str += _chr;

    return _str;

The problem is that I always get error when I want to decrypt an encryted text with this code:

string enc_text = ENCRYPT.XORENC("abc","a"); // enc_text = " ♥☻"
string dec_text = ENCRYPT.XORENC(enc_text,"a"); // ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Any clues?

like image 810
fardjad Avatar asked Mar 28 '10 11:03


1 Answers

If you have a character, a char, you can convert it to an integer, an int.

And then you can use the ^ operator to perform XOR on it. You don't appear to be using that operator at the moment, which might be the source of your problem.

string EncryptOrDecrypt(string text, string key)
    var result = new StringBuilder();

    for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
        result.Append((char)((uint)text[c] ^ (uint)key[c % key.Length]));

    return result.ToString();

That kind of thing. Here's a longer version with comments that does the same thing in steps, to make it easier to learn from:

string EncryptOrDecrypt(string text, string key)
    var result = new StringBuilder();

    for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
        // take next character from string
        char character = text[c];

        // cast to a uint
        uint charCode = (uint)character;

        // figure out which character to take from the key
        int keyPosition = c % key.Length; // use modulo to "wrap round"

        // take the key character
        char keyChar = key[keyPosition];

        // cast it to a uint also
        uint keyCode = (uint)keyChar;

        // perform XOR on the two character codes
        uint combinedCode = charCode ^ keyCode;

        // cast back to a char
        char combinedChar = (char)combinedCode;

        // add to the result

    return result.ToString();

The short version is the same but with the intermediate variables removed, substituting expressions directly into where they're used.

like image 61
Daniel Earwicker Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10

Daniel Earwicker