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Which color gradient is used to color mandelbrot in wikipedia?

At Wikipedia's Mandelbrot set page there are really beautiful generated images of the Mandelbrot set.

Detail Mandelbrot

I also just implemented my own Mandelbrot algorithm. Given n is the number of iterations used to calculate each pixel, I color them pretty simple from black to green to white like that (with C++ and Qt 5.0):

QColor mapping(Qt::white); if (n <= MAX_ITERATIONS){     double quotient = (double) n / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS;     double color = _clamp(0.f, 1.f, quotient);     if (quotient > 0.5) {         // Close to the mandelbrot set the color changes from green to white         mapping.setRgbF(color, 1.f, color);     }     else {         // Far away it changes from black to green         mapping.setRgbF(0.f, color, 0.f);     } } return mapping; 

My result looks like that:

enter image description here

I like it pretty much already, but which color gradient is used for the images in Wikipedia? How to calculate that gradient with a given n of iterations?

(This question is not about smoothing.)

like image 722
Afr Avatar asked May 11 '13 18:05


People also ask

How is Mandelbrot set colored?

The simplest algorithm for generating a representation of the Mandelbrot set is known as the "escape time" algorithm. A repeating calculation is performed for each x, y point in the plot area and based on the behavior of that calculation, a color is chosen for that pixel.

What is a gradient color scheme?

Color gradients, or color transitions, are defined as a gradual blending from one color to another. This blending can occur between colors of the same tone (from light blue to navy blue), colors of two different tones (from blue to yellow), or even between more than two colors (from blue to purple to red to orange).

What is Mandelbrot set used for?

The term Mandelbrot set is used to refer both to a general class of fractal sets and to a particular instance of such a set. In general, a Mandelbrot set marks the set of points in the complex plane such that the corresponding Julia set is connected and not computable.

2 Answers

The gradient is probably from Ultra Fractal. It is defined by 5 control points:

Position = 0.0     Color = (  0,   7, 100) Position = 0.16    Color = ( 32, 107, 203) Position = 0.42    Color = (237, 255, 255) Position = 0.6425  Color = (255, 170,   0) Position = 0.8575  Color = (  0,   2,   0) 

where Position is in range [0, 1) and Color is RGB in range [0, 255].

The catch is that the colors are not linearly interpolated. The interpolation of colors is likely cubic (or something similar). Following image shows the difference between linear and Monotone cubic interpolation:

Linear vs cubic gradient

As you can see the cubic interpolation results in smoother and "prettier" gradient. I used monotone cubic interpolation to avoid "overshooting" of the [0, 255] color range that can be caused by cubic interpolation. Monotone cubic ensures that interpolated values are always in the range of input points.

I use following code to compute the color based on iteration i:

double smoothed = Math.Log2(Math.Log2(re * re + im * im) / 2);  // log_2(log_2(|p|)) int colorI = (int)(Math.Sqrt(i + 10 - smoothed) * gradient.Scale) % colors.Length; Color color = colors[colorI]; 

where i is the diverged iteration number, re and im are diverged coordinates, gradient.Scale is 256, and the colors is and array with pre-computed gradient colors showed above. Its length is 2048 in this case.

like image 59
NightElfik Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09


Well, I did some reverse engineering on the colours used in wikipedia using the Photoshop eyedropper. There are 16 colours in this gradient:

  R   G   B  66  30  15 # brown 3  25   7  26 # dark violett   9   1  47 # darkest blue   4   4  73 # blue 5   0   7 100 # blue 4  12  44 138 # blue 3  24  82 177 # blue 2  57 125 209 # blue 1 134 181 229 # blue 0 211 236 248 # lightest blue 241 233 191 # lightest yellow 248 201  95 # light yellow 255 170   0 # dirty yellow 204 128   0 # brown 0 153  87   0 # brown 1 106  52   3 # brown 2 

Simply using a modulo and an QColor array allows me to iterate through all colours in the gradient:

if (n < MAX_ITERATIONS && n > 0) {     int i = n % 16;     QColor mapping[16];     mapping[0].setRgb(66, 30, 15);     mapping[1].setRgb(25, 7, 26);     mapping[2].setRgb(9, 1, 47);     mapping[3].setRgb(4, 4, 73);     mapping[4].setRgb(0, 7, 100);     mapping[5].setRgb(12, 44, 138);     mapping[6].setRgb(24, 82, 177);     mapping[7].setRgb(57, 125, 209);     mapping[8].setRgb(134, 181, 229);     mapping[9].setRgb(211, 236, 248);     mapping[10].setRgb(241, 233, 191);     mapping[11].setRgb(248, 201, 95);     mapping[12].setRgb(255, 170, 0);     mapping[13].setRgb(204, 128, 0);     mapping[14].setRgb(153, 87, 0);     mapping[15].setRgb(106, 52, 3);     return mapping[i]; } else return Qt::black; 

The result looks pretty much like what I was looking for:

Mandelbrot set


like image 40
Afr Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
