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Which are the available domain operators in Openerp / Odoo?

I know few operator in openerp domain. I dont get the details of available domains and their explanation. Particularly for these negation domains. Can anyone tell me the detail list?

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cracker Avatar asked Apr 04 '15 05:04


People also ask

What is the Domain in Odoo?

Odoo domain is used to select records from a model or database table. It is a very common use case when you need to display a subset of all available records from an action, or to allow only a subset of possible records to be the target of a many2one relation.

How to use domains in Odoo?

Perform the following operations: Create a CNAME record www.yourdomain.com pointing to <yourdatabase>. odoo.com. If you want to use the naked domain (e.g. yourdomain.com), you need to redirect yourdomain.com to www.yourdomain.com.

What is filter domain in Odoo?

The filter domain is namely used for a search field. You can use it in a search view on a field to apply the user input (search string) on this field to get back search results.

1 Answers

This gives a overview:

List of Domain operators: ! (Not), | (Or), & (And)

List of Term operators: '=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=?', '=like', '=ilike', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in', 'child_of'


Input records:

Record 1: Openerp

Record 2: openerp

Record 3: Opensource

Record 4: opensource

Record 5: Open

Record 6: open

Record 7: Odoo

Record 8: odoo

Record 9: Odooopenerp

Record 10: OdooOpenerp

'like': [('input', 'like', 'open')] - Returns case sensitive (wildcards - '%open%') search.

O/p: open, opensource, openerp, Odooopenerp

'not like': [('input', 'not like', 'open')] - Returns results not matched with case sensitive (wildcards - '%open%') search.

O/p: Openerp, Opensource, Open, Odoo, odoo, OdooOpenerp

'=like': [('name', '=like', 'open')] - Returns exact (= 'open') case sensitive search.

O/p: open

'ilike': [('name', 'ilike', 'open')] - Returns exact case insensitive (wildcards - '%open%') search.

O/p: Openerp, openerp, Opensource, opensource, Open, open, Odooopenerp, OdooOpenerp

'not ilike': [('name', 'not ilike', 'open')] - Returns results not matched with exact case insensitive (wildcards - '%open%') search.

O/p: Odoo, odoo

'=ilike': [('name', '=ilike', 'open')] - Returns exact (= 'open' or 'Open') case insensitive search.

O/p: Open, open


name = 'odoo' parent_id = False [('name', 'like', name), ('parent_id', '=?', parent_id)] - Returns name domain result & True

name = 'odoo' parent_id = 'openerp' [('name', 'like', name), ('parent_id', '=?', parent_id)] - Returns name domain result & parent_id domain result

'=?' is a short-circuit that makes the term TRUE if right is None or False, '=?' behaves like '=' in other cases

'in': [('value1', 'in', ['value1', 'value2'])] - in operator will check the value1 is present or not in list of right term

'not in': [('value1', 'not in', ['value2'])] - not in operator will check the value1 is not present in list of right term While these 'in' and 'not in' works with list/tuple of values, the latter '=' and '!=' works with string

'=': value = 10 [('value','=',value)] - term left side has 10 in db and term right our value 10 will match

'!=': value = 15 [('value','!=',value)] - term left side has 10 in db and term right our value 10 will not match

'child_of': parent_id = '1' #Agrolait 'child_of': [('partner_id', 'child_of', parent_id)] - return left and right list of partner_id for given parent_id

'<=', '<', '>', '>=': These operators are largely used in openerp for comparing dates - [('date', '>=', date_begin), ('date', '<=', date_end)]. You can use these operators to compare int or float also.

like image 168
no coder Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

no coder