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where to write dom manipulation code when using knockout and MVVM



im starting to get my head around knockout and if its correct to write code in the viewmodel that manipulates the dom or fires animations etc. As an example i have this binding that passes in a reference to a div which i want to slide out when the tr is clicked

<tr data-bind="click: function(data, event){$parent.Select('#PanelWrapper', $data)}">

In my viewmodel i have

self.Select = function (panel, e) {
        if(self.SelectedEmployee() === e)return;

        self.$PanelWrapper = $(panel);
        var $Bottom = parseInt(self.$PanelWrapper.css("bottom"));

        if($Bottom === 0){
            }, 500, function(){
                self.Editable(new Employee(ko.toJS(e)));
            }, 500);
            self.Editable(new Employee(ko.toJS(e)));

            }, 500);       

Im wondering if this is valid and that it follows the vmmv methodology. Any help would be appreciated

like image 626
Richard Banks Avatar asked Jul 29 '13 15:07

Richard Banks

2 Answers

No, it's not a good idea to manipulate the dom inside your viewmodel. The whole concept of MVVM is to separate the view and the data/behavior part of the UI.

You should use custom binding handlers or you may also create these effects/controls (I don't know what exactly is this) outside your viewmodel. The viewmodel should only model the view: data and commands on that data.

like image 79
Peter Porfy Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 23:11

Peter Porfy

You should't alter directly the dom when you code with knockout.

I suggest to use the slideBinding (jQuery is required).

I made a fiddle to demonstrate how to use it. It's a kind of master/details view.

The view :

<div data-bind="foreach : people">
    <div data-bind="click : $parent.onClick" style="cursor: pointer">
        <span data-bind="text : name"></span>
        <div data-bind="slideVisible: $parent.selected() == $data">
            <span data-bind="text : details"></span>

The view model :

var vm = {
    selected: ko.observable(''),
    people : [{
        name: "name1",
        details: "details1"
    }, {
        name: "name2",
        details: "details2"
    onClick: function (item) {

I hope it helps.

like image 2
Damien Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11
