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Where to place zsh autocompletion script on Linux?

After installing cheat (command cheat sheets from the command line), I tried to enable the autocompletion using the provided zsh script. However, I don't seem to find the correct location for the script.

So far

  • I fetch the cheat.zsh ;
  • copy it to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/cheat/_cheat.zsh ;
  • add the cheat to the plugins array in my ~/.zshrc ;
  • reload my shell.

Auto-completion doesn't happen when typing cheat d<TAB>.


So where to place zsh auto-completion script on Linux?

like image 367
Édouard Lopez Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 15:08

Édouard Lopez

People also ask

Where do I put zsh completion scripts?

Installing Zsh Completions Your completion script must have the following filename format: _example . Next, create a directory at ~/. zsh/completion and copy the completion script to the new directory.

How do I enable autocompletion in zsh?

zsh-autocomplete adds real-time type-ahead autocompletion to Zsh. Find as you type, then press Tab to insert the top completion, Shift Tab to insert the bottom one, or ↓ / PgDn to select another completion.

Does bash completion work with zsh?

Zsh can handle bash completions functions. The latest development version of zsh has a function bashcompinit, that when run will allow zsh to read bash completion specifications and functions. This is documented in the zshcompsys man page. To use it all you need to do is run bashcompinit at any time after compinit.

1 Answers

Let me try to help here.

I was trying something similar and this is how I was able to get it worked. Below solution has verified with oh-my-zsh on debian distro [ubuntu]


  > Your zsh isnt giving proper completion suggestions say [conda]
  > This is what you get when you type in # conda tab

enter image description here


  1. Find the completion script

    one great location is https://github.com/clarketm/zsh-completions/tree/master/src

  2. Download the file to completions folder [~/.oh-my-zsh/completions]

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/clarketm/zsh-completions/master/src/_conda ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions
  3. Make sure the completions folder is listed under $fpath

    print -l $fpath
    1. What if its not listed It should have normaly added with .oh-my-zsh.sh If not append below to ~/.oh-my-zsh/oh-my-zsh.sh

      # add a function path
      fpath=($ZSH/functions $ZSH/completions $fpath)
    2. source .zshrc

      source ~/.zshrc
  4. Execute compinit this will build ~/.zcompdump file for the functions


enter image description here


  1. Due to conflicts the suggestions might not be shown try the following

    rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit
    # we are clearing the function dump stored by zsh, its safe zsh will rebuilt it.
  2. Try source .zshrc

    source ~/.zshrc
  3. Try loggin out and login

  4. Check the mapping in ~/.zcompdump

    vi ~/.zcompdump

    search for conda


    you should see as below

    'conda' '_conda'

Hope someone will find it useful, if so Happy to Help

like image 147
Amod Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10
