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Where to place images/CSS in spring-mvc app?



I used Netbeans to create a Spring MVC 3.0 app. I have a simple controller and JSP view. The JSP view appears correctly except for an image that doesn't render. My directory structure looks like this: alt text

In my Home.jsp page, the image that doesn't render is referenced like so:

<img src="Images/face.png" />

I've verified that face.png is in the Images directory. So why doesn't it appear in the browser? In Spring MVC, where should I place files referenced by JSP views, like images, CSS, JS, etc?

like image 915
Sajee Avatar asked Nov 12 '10 21:11


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1 Answers

Alter your web.xml file:


and add below configuration after it:


If you have a better solution please share with me.

like image 156
Gofier Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 10:10
