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Add secure flag to JSESSIONID cookie in spring automatically

I have a tomcat application server that is behind a nginx. SSL terminates on the nginx. The Spring web-mvc application that is deployed on the tomcat should set the secure flag on the JSESSIONID. It would be cool if spring has some automatic detection for this so I don't get bothered during development because I don't have SSL there.

Is there a way to tell spring to set the flag automatically?

I use JavaConfig to setup the application and use Maven to create a deployable war-file.

I have checked this already, but this looks somehow ugly and static: set 'secure' flag to JSESSION id cookie

like image 867
ST-DDT Avatar asked Aug 31 '16 14:08


People also ask

Who sets Jsessionid cookie?

JSESSIONID cookie is created by web container and send along with response to client.

2 Answers

When you use spring-session, e.g. to persist your session in reddis, this is indeed done automatically. The cookie is than created by org.springframework.session.web.http.CookieHttpSessionStrategy which in CookieHttpSessionStrategy#createSessionCookie checks if the request comes via HTTPS and sets secure accordingly:


If you do not use spring-session, you can configure secure cookies using a ServletContextInitializer. Use a application property, to set it to true/false depending on a profile.

public ServletContextInitializer servletContextInitializer(@Value("${secure.cookie}") boolean secure) {
    return new ServletContextInitializer() {

        public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {

application.properties (used in dev when profile 'prod' is not active):


application-prod.properties (only used when profile 'prod' is active, overwrites value in application.properties):


start your application on the prod server with :


Sounds like some effort, if you have not worked with profiles so far, but you will most likely need a profile for prod environment anyway, so its really worth it.

like image 198
Stefan Isele - prefabware.com Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Stefan Isele - prefabware.com

If you are using Spring Boot, there is a simple solution for it. Just set the following property in your application.properties:


Source: Spring docs - Appendix A. Common application properties

If you have some environment with HTTPS and some without it, you will need to set it to false in profiles without HTTPS. Otherwise the Secure cookie is ignored.

like image 31
Jonask Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
