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Where to get VB6 localization support binaries

In the document Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows... it states:

Localization Support Binaries

The following binaries are necessary for supporting Visual Basic 6.0 applications running on localized versions of the Windows operating system. They are supported but are not shipped in Windows. These files are required to be shipped with your application setup.

That seems pretty clear in itself.

For instance, mfc42jpn.dll is required for Japan, mfc42ita.dll for Italy, etc.

However, I cannot find any source of these files from Microsoft. Where can they be sourced?

Note - there are some random DLL download websites which turn up the correct filenames, but I'd far prefer an authoritative source.

like image 870
StayOnTarget Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 01:10


1 Answers

You should apply SP6. According to this, it covers all English versions of these products, as well as all localized versions.

On the VB6 installation CD those files can be found in the \OS\SYSTEM folder.

For the OP's given example of MFC42.dll it includes:

  • MFC42.DLL
like image 94
Jim Hewitt Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 04:01

Jim Hewitt