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Where is this Rails file stored? db/development.sqlite3

I'm trying to find the sqlite database file that rails creates.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but which folder is this file stored in?

I've looked in all of the folders in my Rails project and can't find it.

My database.yml:

      adapter: sqlite3
      database: db/development.sqlite3
      pool: 5
      timeout: 5000
like image 453
carson welsh Avatar asked May 26 '09 23:05

carson welsh

People also ask

Where is the database file in Rails?

The database configuration file is in config/database. yml . If you're using sqlite , the database itself is in db/ folder. You may want to read Getting Started with Rails for more info.

Where is sqlite3 db stored?

The Android SDK provides dedicated APIs that allow developers to use SQLite databases in their applications. The SQLite files are generally stored on the internal storage under /data/data/<packageName>/databases.

How do I open SQLite database in Rails?

There should be a database file with sqlite extension on db directory of the app. On DB Browser, select Open Database option and choose that file and you should be able to view the data. Save this answer.

How do I access sqlite3 file?

Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and 'cd' to the folder location of the SQL_SAFI. sqlite database file. run the command 'sqlite3' This should open the SQLite shell and present a screen similar to that below.

1 Answers

It's in RAILS_ROOT/db/development.sqlite3

like image 100
nitecoder Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10
