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Where is the web server root directory on Angstrom Linux (BeagleBoard | BeagleBone)?

I'm trying to find the default web server directory on my BeagleBone with Angstrom Linux. That is, where are the files served when I go to:


Another way would be to answer this question: How do I find out what directory a port number points to on my BeagleBone with Angstrom Linux?

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ow3n Avatar asked May 30 '12 14:05


2 Answers

The BeagleBone|BeagleBoard Angstrom Linux distribution ships with a socket server that runs as a service using node.js and bonescript in:


and can be accessed at: http://beaglebone.local:80

You can also install lighttpd with

opkg install lighttpd

and will install a config file into


which can be altered to set the default web directory wherever you like.

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ow3n Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09


I found the following worked, evenutally:

systemctl disable bonescript.service
systemctl disable bonescript-autorun.service
systemctl disable cloud9.service
systemctl disable bonescript.socket

Use 'systemctl list-units' to check they've stopped. Possibly, there's a correct order you have to do these in, I had to fiddle around and repeat these a bit before they were all dead. You could probably just nuke the symlinks in /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants and reboot.

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Ian Harvey Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Ian Harvey